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So there has been several PUBLIC CERVIX ANNOUNCEMENTS going on and seeing that our facility is focused on women and children, and knowing the how highly dangerous Cervical cancer is and how much the HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV) is detrimental to the health of any female, it would be a great disservice not to talk about this ugly disease on here and also talk about our reduced offer for the screening in this month of January.
We have been creating necessary awareness, churning out good information on our social media handles in order to educate females and let the general populace know also to encourage and enjoin female friends and relatives to either get the HPV Vaccine or get screen by having a Pap smear procedure done. 
You can please check us out and follow us:
It's no news to us here that Cervical cancer, is the 2nd most common cancer affecting and killing our women in Nigeria. We know that you are also aware that it can be prevented if regular checks(Pap Smear Test) /vaccination(HPV) is done as stated above. It's 100% treatable if diagnosed early. 
In commemoration of the cervical cancer awareness month (January every year) We at Georges Memorial Medical Centre, Lekki are offering the Pap test (Pap smear) at a discounted rate for THIS month of JANUARY and Lagos residents will be huge beneficiaries of this superb offer.
Do you know anyone that is yet to get smeared? do you have patients and would be glad to refer them to us? The offer also comes with a free consultation value. This is huge, and no lady should miss this.
Call us on: 01-2718727 or alternatively, send an email to: [email protected]