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There's no doubt that a lot of confusion trails this topic and we need to do more in the area of enlightening our patients.

Air travel can additionally increase the risks to a pregnant woman because of possible dehydration from low oxygen tension, low humidity, and recirculated air. Pregnancy itself, increase the risk of thrombosis (formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system) about 10 times and air travel further increases this rate with up to 2-4 times. Drinking water and avoiding alcohol and caffeine is important to avoid dehydration. Pregnant women should be informed of these risks and encouraged to wear compression stockings.

Irrespective of the transportation medium you are traveling on (car, bus, train or air) it is generally safe to travel while pregnant. However, there are some certain factors to consider that could make your trip safer and more comfortable which you, the doctor can, of course, discuss with them.

Prolonged sitting during pregnancy is not encouraged because the gravid uterus can cause lower extremity venous stasis (slowing of the current of circulating blood) which contributes to the risk of thrombosis. Pregnant women should promote circulation during long travel by walking or frequently flexing and extending the lower extremities at the ankles.

All in all, to put a definite answer to the question of if it's safe to travel while pregnant, the answer is a plain YES.

Yes, as long as there are no identified complications or concerns with the pregnancy, it is generally safe to travel. In most cases, the second trimester is considered the safest time to travel because the risks of miscarriage and preterm labor are the lowest.

Additional risks of travel during pregnancy is the risk of communicable diseases, but this is typically dependent on to the destination.

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