It's not news neither is it a new development that Nigerians now also consider the use of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) as there is a hight number of infertility rate even in the country. However, we aren't privy to the eaxct number or data.
Many couples having fertility problems have been able to conceive a child through the use of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Of course there are many centres across the country with successes in the IVF proceedure and this can't be undermined.
However, At George's Memorial Medical Centre, the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Program treats couples whose fertility has been impaired by conditions such as Tubal problems, Endometriosis, Male factor infertility, Unexplained infertility, and those who have failed prior treatments. You can also come or call in to confirm our numbers and exceeding high rates of success.
The In Vitro Fertilization Program:
The In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) program at George's Memorial Medical Centre provides comprehensive care to individuals requiring traditional IVF, as well as ancillary procedures such as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Embryo Cryopreservation.
Traditional IVF
During traditional IVF, you take several medications to enable you develop multiple ovarian follicles that contain mature eggs capable of fertilization. We closely monitor this process using vaginal ultrasound scans. Mature eggs are retrieved through a simple procedure under ultrasound guidance. We then expose the retrieved eggs to sperm and transfer the resulting embryos back into your womb.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
ICSI, or assisted fertilization, is a procedure that has dramatically improved the treatment of severe male factor infertility. A relatively common cause of infertility in couples is a low sperm count. With ICSI, a single sperm can be injected into the egg resulting in a significantly higher likelihood of fertilization. This process is used in conjunction with IVF.
We'll be writing more on our Sperm donation and freezing, Egg donation and sharing, Ovulation induction services etc.
As you can see, we believe we have been able to demonstrate enough that with us, there's the guarantee of a 'full package'. Till we come your way next week again, remember and note that you can always reach out to us via the avenues listed below:
Facebook: @georgesmedical
Instagram: @georgesmedical
Twitter: @georgesmedical
Phone: 01-2718727
Email: [email protected]