Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid in more than 60 countries to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters or exclusion from healthcare.
Jahun Jigawa State
Job Description:
• Apply medical knowledge and skills in diagnoses and prevention of illness. Carry out outpatient and inpatient consultations, and prescribe the necessary treatment while respecting MSF protocols In designated duty station
• Keep the patient and/or his/her family informed about the illness and provide appropriate explanations about the treatment to follow, Ensure patients/relatives have clear understanding of the available treatment options and their eventual outcomes.
• Follow up the evolution of the hospitalized patients, through daily visits, consultations and examinations, prescribing the necessary treatment while respecting MSF protocols, deciding whether they can be discharged or transferred to other departments – in collaboration with other doctors- and informing their family about the patient’s evolution.
• Ensure proper documentation in the patient file including the particularly the final diagnostic at discharge that will be recorded in praxis.
• Attend ongoing training of the medical/paramedical multidisciplinary team in order to optimize the
quality of care.
• Knows and ensures all MSF medical protocols are followed and implemented, checking universal precautions are followed at all times and reducing bio-hazard risks and improving infection control. Ensures professional confidentiality is respected.
• Assists or Performs Emergency Obstetric surgeries (MVA, C-section, Exploratory Laparotomy etc.) under supervision of the OBGYN and in accordance with MSF protocols. Prepares the operative notes after each intervention.
• As assigned in the roster, conduct staff health clinics (staff and dependents), in accordance with MSF Nigerian staff health policy while respecting MSF treatment guidelines.
Job Requirement/Qualification:
• Medical Doctor diploma MB,BS or MB, Bch; Full registration with medical and dental council Nigeria (MDCN); current annual practice license.
• 1 year experience minimum as a Medical Doctor or in clinical work, experience in obstetrics and gynaecology, neonatology, A&E desirable.
• Hausa and English required.
Method of Application:
Submit your CV, copies of your Certificate and a cover letter with contact details to the MSF Admin’ Office in Jahun ("Application Box" outsaide the frant gate). ( with Reference "MEDICAL DOCTOR")
Applications can be submitted in person or by email to: msff-jahun-recruitment@paris.msf.org