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Prof Olugbenga Mokuolu
Institution Attended: University of Ibadan
Olugbenga is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians (Pediatrics) with over 20 years’ experience in the care of newborns in the tropics, malaria case management and diverse public health activities. He also has vast experience in Health administration, lecturing, human resource management, ICT and project management. He is an alumnus of the Haggai Institute for leadership development. He has excellent communication skills while his particular strength lies in capacity building and mentoring of younger doctors as well as public health administration.
Academically, he is currently a Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, with neonatology and malaria as his main areas of research focus. His specific contributions are newborn anthropometry, neonatal infections, perinatal malaria and general care of the newborn with a focus on addressing the challenges of newborn health needs in a developing country using appropriate technology. Specifically, he co-piloted the use of Recycled Incubation Technique as a cost-effective means of incubation technique in Nigerian newborns. Mokuolu is a resource person at the West African College of Physicians where he teaches malaria and neonatology and also serves as an examiner, being involved at the primary, part I and part II fellowship exams.
Mokuolu has contributed extensively to programmatic and Policy issues on malaria, at institutional, national and international levels. In this regard he has played key roles in malaria case management, malaria treatment guideline development and provision of technical support for Global fund proposal writing. Regarding capacity development on malaria case management, he co-developed the framework for the adaptation of the WHO Malaria Case Management Training Manual by the WHO both for the global and regional training. He facilitated inter-country TOTs on Malaria Case Management involving Senior Health Professionals from Different African Countries. He has also served as facilitator of many training programmes across Africa.
He is a member of the Technical Expert Group that drafted the first ever WHO Antimalarial Treatment Guideline released by the WHO HQ in Geneva in January 2006 with the third edition underway; At the national programme level, Mokuolu assisted in the formulation of the current National Antimalarial Treatment Policy, Antimalarial Treatment Guidelines and guidelines for management of malaria at PHC level. He facilitated the change in antimalarial treatment at the University of Ilorin Teaching hospital. He directed the National and Zonal TOT on Malaria Case Management producing over 1320 trainers in Nigeria.
Olugbenga is a Master Trainer on Lactation Management and had directed/facilitated over 15 lactation Management trainings ranging from orientations, institutional and zonal TOTs. He is skilled in the use of the Rapid appraisal tools, which he used successfully in the baseline and evaluation studies of the Bamako Initiative in Nigeria. He has consulted successfully for WHO, UNICEF, DFID, British Council and Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria. Since 2007 he has guided different countries to successful Global Fund applications on Malaria Control. These include Malawi (2007), Nigeria (2008, 2009, 2014), Kenya (2010 & 2013), Ethiopia (2011), Uganda 2014).
He was the ICT chair for both the University and the UITH. In this capacity, Mokuolu facilitated the redesigning of the Unilorin web-page and coordinated the pioneering effort to computerize students’ record, including online registration and e-payment. He was director of the Centre for International Education from 2011 to Nov 2014, where he brought about significant strides to Internationalization. He is currently the Director of the University Consultancy Services Centre and the Institution’s 2010 Researcher of the year.
Education and Qualifications
1989 – 1995 FWACP (Pediatrics), West African Post-graduate Medical College, Lagos, Nigeria
1982 – 1987 MB, BS, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
1980 – 1982 GCE (Advanced Level- Cambridge Moderated), Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Other Trainings
Apr-2012 Completed the advance course on Good Clinical Practices of the West Africa Bio-Ethics Training Programme and University of Miami Florida
June 2009 Attended 1-week training by the American College of Physician Executives, Abuja
Skills: Health Management, Planning, Human Resource Management, Managed Care and how to run a hospital profitably
Mar-2007 Training on Consultancy skills: Organized by the Technical Support Facility-West Africa at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) 20th -23rd March 2007
Skills: Proposal writing, review of TOR, project execution, report writing and budgeting.
Jun-2006 Workshop on Strategic Planning for Tertiary Health Institutions
Skills: Developing a strategic plan and logical framework Organized by the Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja
Sep-2005 Workshop on Health Administration, Administrative Staff College (ASCON) Badagry, Lagos
Skills: Management theories, Human resource management, dispute resolution, public financing and health planning
Aug-2005 Workshop on Antimalarial Quantification organized by RPM plus in Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra Ghana
Skill: Learning the use of various methods to estimate antimalarial needs and the situations in which they are indicated; had an orientation on the use of Quantimed.
Oct-2003 Capacity Building for Consultants organized by the World Health Organization, AFRO, Harare
Skill: Protocol development, Strategic planning for malaria control, logical framework matrix sourcing for grants
Oct-2002 Basic Malariology Quality Assurance Course organized by the Applied Research for Childhood Health, Boston University
Skill: Malaria microscopy, specie identification and Quality assurance.
Apr-2001 Protocol Development Workshop II Organized by the Center for International Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Skill: Project design, project execution, data management and budgeting and sourcing for funds.
Aug-2001 TOT on Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses, organized by the WHO-AFRO in Arusha Tanzania
Dec-2001 Ethical Issues in Bio-Medical Research organized by the AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria in collaboration with Harvard School in US
Skill: Setting up IRBs, Reviewing protocols, participated in development of draft national Ethical guidelines for Nigeria.
1997: Attended the 4-week training of the Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training in Singapore
Jul-1997 Organizing and conducting Malaria Case Management training at national and international levels. Organized by WHO-AFRO in Lagos
Skill: organizing meetings, management of resources, negotiating with governments, development of training manuals and national antimalarial treatment policy.
Mar-1997 Certificate in Computing, Center for Advanced Computer Studies, Ilorin, Nigeria
Skill: Word processing packages, spread sheets, graphics and data management software (SPSS, EPI-info).
Jun-1996 Health Services Management organized by University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital in collaboration with the Department of Business Administration University of Ilorin
Mar-1996 Participatory Rapid Appraisal Techniques Workshop on the use of participatory rural appraisal techniques in Health researches. Organized in collaboration with the Overseas Development Agency (ODA) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, Ibadan.
Jul-1995 Master Trainer in Lactation Management (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Lead trainers’ course) organized by UNICEF at the National Institute of Teachers, Kaduna, Nigeria.
May 1994 Protocol Development and Program Management I: Course organized in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical studies
Areas of Expertise
- Care of the newborn (Neonatology)
- Lactation Management
Global Health
- Strategic planning, Programmatic gap analysis and Project Management
- Malaria case management and IMCI (Development of training manuals and capacity building)
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Protocol Development (Academic and programmatic especially, Global fund proposal development)
- Clinical Trials investigator
- Collaborative/Multi-centre Studies
- Epidemiological Studies
- Project Supervision
Key achievements/activities in the areas of expertise
Care of the newborn (Neonatology)
Mokuolu worked on the use of simple technologies and pragmatic management algorithms in resource challenged settings to achieve significant improvements in neonatal survival both among term and preterm babies over the last 2-decades. Key innovations included-Use of recycled incubation techniques, fabrication of radiant heaters, phototherapy units and advancing the use of Oxygen concentrators and development of pragmatic algorithms for patient care.
Lactation Management
He was previous Chair of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Steering Committee. As Master Trainer on Lactation Management, he has directed/facilitated over 15 Lactation Management Training ranging from orientations, institutional and zonal TOTs. He conducted facility assessments in Kwara, Kebbi, Sokoto, Katsina, Niger and Kaduna States.
Global Health
Malaria Policy Related Activities
Mokuolu has been pivotal in malaria Policy articulation and implementation as the different levels.
He was Chair of the Committee that drafted the Communique on change from monotherapy to ACTs in Nigeria
In his capacity as Chairman Medical Advisory Committee, he facilitated the change to ACT in that institution in 2004.
He served as member of National change management process following Nigeria’s adoption of ACT
He was pivotal to Nigeria’s policy adoption of parenteral artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria. Through his efforts Nigeria became the first country to adopt the WHO recommendation in 2011.
He is a member of the National Severe Malaria Advisory Committee, in Nigeria
He has served as key resource for MMV, CHAI, the NMEP and a host of other organizations in promoting capacity building and orientations on the new recommendations on malaria treatment and control. In these regards he has been keynote speaker at the annual round table discussion tagged “Doctors Discuss Malaria” that is held during the World Malaria Day. This has afforded an opportunity to cumulatively reach about 1000 medical doctors (as per attendance registers) over this period. He also actively promoted the buy-in on malaria policy changes among different professional associations including the Nigerian Medical Association, Pediatric Association of Nigeria, West Africa College of Physicians and several nursing groups.
Strategic planning, Programmatic gap analysis and Project Management
He served as the lead of 3-consultants that facilitated the development of the National Malaria Policy 2015 for Nigeria. Also served as member of the Technical Team to revise the 2015 National Malaria Treatment Guidelines.
He provided lead technical support to for the development of the Malaria Control or Malaria Reduction Strategic Plans for the following Countries; Nigeria (NMSP, 2020-214); Kenya NMSP 2014-2017 update) and Uganda (UMRS) 2014-2020)
He was focal person for the development of the first ever University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Strategic plan 2007-2012.
He provided support to the National Malaria Control programme on the development of the Malaria Control Strategic Plan (2001-05). He also led the initial efforts in the development of the NMSP 2008-13 as part of the TOR for providing Technical Assistance in the Round 8 Global Fund Application process.
He provided Technical support for the development of the NMSP for Malawi and Ethiopia in 2007 and 2011 respectively.
In 2008 and 2010 he developed special excel templates to facilitate programmatic gap analysis for malaria control in the course of the round 8 and 10 Global fund support to Nigerian and Kenya respectively. These templates were later to be adopted as guide by the Harmonization Working Group for the training of Consultants/Country Teams applying for the round 11 global fund and transition funding mechanism.
Malaria case management -Development of training manuals and capacity building
He completed the adaptation of the Malaria Case Management Training Manual (Participant and Tutor’s Guide for the Somali Lands) –June 2013.
He co-developed the WHO Malaria Case Management Module for international training at the WHO HQ in Geneva, (2012)
He co-developed the framework for the adaptation of the WHO-AFRO Malaria Case Management Training Manual that is currently used as the standard reference document in African Region.
He has facilitated 3 inter-country TOTs on Malaria Case Management involving Senior Health Professionals in Uganda, Malawi and Ghana with participants from different African Countries. He has served as the main facilitator of many training programmes across Africa.
He is a member of the Technical Expert Group of the WHO the Antimalarial Treatment Guidelines (Geneva-HQ) and a member of the Antimalarial Dosing Working Group.
He directed the National and Zonal TOTs on Malaria Case Management producing over 1320 trainers in Nigeria. I have also presented lectures at various fora including Paediatric Association of Nigeria, West Africa College of Physicians, Stake holders for a of the Federal MoH on Malaria control, Nigeria Medical Association and a host of Continuing Medical Education programmes am a member of the National Advisory Committee on Severe Malaria.
Protocol Development (Academic and programmatic especially, Global fund proposal development)
He recently successfully supported Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria in developing these countries proposals for the New Funding Mechanism Concept Note to the Global Fund for 2014.
International Consultant on Global Fund proposal development for control of malaria. He has in these capacities provided Technical Support to Malawi, Nigeria and Kenya in the period 2001-2010. For his efforts Malawi had $68m grant in 2007, Nigeria $300m in 2008 and $55m in 2009 and about $150m for Kenya in 2010. He also provided Technical Support for the Transition Funding Mechanism and review of the GF proposal form in Ethiopia in 2012.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Member of the team that carried out the Baseline and Evaluation survey of the Bamako Initiative in Akinyele LGA of Nigeria in 1996 and 1998 using the Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques
Team Leader Zone C (North Central) in the RBM Situation Analysis and Baseline Evaluation surveys in 2000 and 2004
I have worked with the RBM and National Indicators of various countries in the process of the Global fund proposal developments that I have supported.
Roles and recent clinical trials investigator/collaborative multicenter studies
- He is currently the Director of the newly established Centre for Malaria Research at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.
- Principal Investigator: Experiences with use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in management of malaria in Nigerian private hospitals: a multi-centre study (2014 - date
- Principal Investigator: Experiences with implementation of malaria diagnostic testing at primary health care level in Nigeria: implication for scale up (2012-2014)
- Site Principal Investigator: Drug Testing and Efficacy Studies of artemether-lumefantrine, artesunate amodiaquine (National Sentinel Survey, at Ajikobi Cottage Hospital, Ilorin) 2014-Date
- Supervisor: A randomized comparative trial of proguanil chemoprophylaxis versus intermittent preventive treatment of malaria with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine among sickle cell anaemia (Wellcome Trust –Multidisciplinary study ongoing 2011-Apr 2013)
- Principal Investigator: Antimalarial Drug Quality Study [Multicentre study involving 5-countries, sponsored by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-Apr-May 2013)
- Principal Investigator: Tracking Artemisinin Resistance Collaboration (TRAC) Supported by the DFID (Concluded 2011-2012)
- Principal Investigator: Africa Quinine versus Artesunate in Severe Malaria Trial (AQUAMAT) (supported by Wellcome Trust: 2007-2010)
Support for National Malaria Control Programmes
Over the last decade I have provided support to the National Malaria Control Programme of different African Countries. The summary of which are tabulated below:
Country |
Area of Technical Assistance |
Nigeria (1999-Date) |
Liberia (2015-2016) |
Kenya (2010-2014) |
Uganda (2014) |
Somalia (2013) |
Ethiopia (2011) |
Malawi (2007) |
Eritrea (2003) |
Sierra Leone |
Uganda |
Tanzania |
Ghana |
Programme Reviews |
Society for Family Health |
Conducted |
John Snow Incorporated |
Conducted a mid-term review for JSI-Nigeria |
Work Experience and Career Profile
Sep 2011 –DateProfessor
Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aug 1995 – Date Consultant Pediatrician,
Neonatal Unit, University of Ilorin Teaching, Hospital Ilorin
Oct 2007 – Aug 2011 Associate Professor
Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aug 1998 – Sept 2007 Senior Lecturer
Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Aug 1995 – Jul 1998 Lecturer Grade 1
Department of Child - Health, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Nov 1992 – Apr 1995 Senior Registrar
Department of Pediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria
.Dec 1989– Mar 1992 Registrar
Department of Pediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin, Nigeria
Sep 1988 – Aug 1989 Medical Officer
National Youth Service Corps Scheme
.Sep 1987 – Jul 1988Pre-registration House Officer
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria
Administrative Experience
Nov 2014 – Date: Director Unilorin Consultancy Services Centre, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. In this capacity he is responsibility for the management of the various ventures of the University while also facilitating the provision of technical services and capacity development to communities, corporate organizations and government parastatals
Aug 2011 – Oct 2014: Director, Centre for International Education, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
He was in this capacity responsible for the coordination and facilitation of collaborative relationships with other institutions, staff and student exchange and ensuring the internationalization of academic activities as well as the adoption of Global Best practices by the Universities.
Sep 2007 – Date: Member of Senate, University of Ilorin
Jan 2007 – Date: Member, Top Management Committee, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin.
Feb 2008 – Jun 2011: Ag Project Director, ETF Medical Centre of Excellence, College of Health Sciences,University of Ilorin.
Mar 2008 – Jun 2011: Chairman, ICT Projects Committee, University of Ilorin
This Committee is charged with the implementation of the University’s ICT Projects. Key achievements with the drive of the Vice-Chancellor include:
- The development of an ICT Policy
- The development of an ICT Strategic plan
- Introduction of campus wide antivirus solution
- Production of Students’ and Staff ID cards; more than 25,000 cards produced. The only successful attempt in mass ID card production for the campus in the past few years
- Redesigning of University web page
- Webometric ranking status of 1st in Nigeria and 32nd in Africa as at 2009-11
- Development and deployment of staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students’ portal
- On-line registration and e-payment
- Construction of a Network Operating Centre
- Contributing actively to the Computer Based Testing activities of the University
- Re-invigorating the University’s Computer Services and Information Technology Directorate (COMSIT) as the unit formed a strong partnership with the Committee
Nov 2007 – Oct 2008: Sub-Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin.
Aug 2007 – Jul 2009: AgHead of Department, Department of Child Health, Faculty of Clinical Science, University of Ilorin
Sep 2007 – Jul 2009: Head of Department, Department of Paediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin
Aug 2002 – Nov 2006: Member Management Board, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin.
Aug 2002 – Nov 2006: Chairman Medical Advisory Committee, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin
He served as Director of Clinical Affairs and Training and assisted in the day-to-day administration of the hospital. In his capacity as CMAC he frequently acted for the Chief Medical Director. His other duties include Chairman of all Training/Medical Committees and the Committees of the following Schools: School of Post-Basic Nursing, Health Records, Administration and Biostatistics, Community Health Officers Course and Plaster Techniques. He Chaired 10 Revolving Funds Scheme, several other standing and ad hoc Committees and was Management’s chief negotiator in times of crises and in the award of contracts. Distinct contributions to the hospital include:
- Promoting a culture of excellence
- Improving the stewardship role of Management
- Updating and up grading of facilities
- Introduction of ICT facilities
- Introduction of VIP facilities
- Commencement of the NHIS operations
- Achieving a near zero tolerance for power failure (June and Dec 2006)
- Scaling up movement to permanent site
- Production of the first ever document on hospital’s priority needs and treatment guidelines
- Anchor person for the developments of the Hospital’s first ever Strategic plan
- Introduction and construction of the concept of VIP wards, that has improved the cooperate image of the hospital
- Playing key roles in the determination of the equipments and setting standards for the structural development of the permanent set in relation to the VAMED project
2000 – 2002
Faculty Representative, Junior Staff Appointment and Promotion Committee, University of Ilorin
2000-2002: Co-coordinator, BFHI Steering Committee, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin
1998 – 2002: Residency Coordinator, Department of Paediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
1998 – 2002: Chairman; Childhood Research Fund, Department of Paediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Awards Received
2012: Best Lecturer
Voted by the Medical Graduating Class of 2012 (Sui Generis), at the University of Ilorin. The College of Health Sciences had over 200 lecturers. Since 1996, he has been consistently voted one of the best lecturers in the College of Health Sciences by graduating students since 1996 till date from a pool of lecturers spread over 17 departments
2012: Vanguard for Greater Nigerian
National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Merit Award of Excellence
2011: Champion to End Malaria
One of 20 people so recognized globally and included in a photo exhibition at the UN Headquarters in New York during the 2011 World Malaria Day celebrations)
2011: 1st runner up (As co-author of the AQUAMAT paper) in the BMJ organized awards for the Best Research publication for 2010
2010: Researcher of the Year, University of Ilorin
This has been a novel concept of the University of Ilorin to identify the lecturer with the most outstanding scientific output for a particular year from a pool of about 1000 lecturers
1996: Life Member, Association of Resident Doctors,
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria
1995: Best Mid-decade Trainee
Department of Pediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin
1993: Best Resident in University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
[voted by the 1993-graduating students]
1989: Benue State Merit Award following the National Youth Service Corps
International/National Appointments
Jan, 2013 –Date
Member, Project Review Panel
WHO Rapid Access Expansion Programme for Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
May 2012 – Date
Member, National Severe Malaria Treatment Advisory Group
Hosted by the Clinton Health Access Initiative
April 2010 – Date
Member Africa Genome Project Communicable Diseases Working Group
This is under the coordination of the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the US.
May 2009 – Date
Member, Steering Committee on the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality in West Africa (One of 4 Nigerian Representatives)
West Africa Health Organization
May 2004 – Date
Member, Technical Expert Group on Antimalarial Treatment Guidelines
World Health Organization. Geneva, Switzerland.
May 2007 – 2012
Co-Reviewer, Use of Rapid Diagnostic Test in Malaria
World Health Organization
Membership of Learned Societies and Professional Bodies
- Nigerian Medical Association
- Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria
- Pediatric Association of Nigeria
- Nigerian Society for Neonatal Medicine
- Life Member, Association of Resident Doctors, UITH
- Academic Staff Union of Universities
- Pan African Bioethics Initiative
- Haggai Institute Alumnus
- West African College of Physicians
- Society for Quality Health in Nigeria
- American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- American College of Physician Executives
Conferences Recently Attended
2015: ASTHM Meeting in Atlanta, also attended in 2006, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015
Presented papers on Epidemiology of Congenital Malaria, AQUAMAT Study and Tracking Artemisinin Resistance respectively
2013: Global University Network Initiative (GUNI Conference)
This was held in Barcelona, Spain from 13-17th May 2013. Paper presented on Community University Engagement
2013: Association of African Universities Conference
This was held at Libreville, Garbon
2012 Peadiatric Association of Nigeria has been attending consistently from 1992 to date
Other Positions held
2004-Date Member Board of Trustee
Kwara Wellbeing Trust (Under the office of her Excellency the First lady of Kwara State)
2005-2011 Vice Chairman
Kwara Sate Action Committee on AIDS (KWASACA)
Major University Assignments
2014; Member, Strategic Planning Committee
Jan 2012: Member, Committee that drafted and Unilorin Step-B proposal to the World Bank
Unilorin won a grant of US$750,000:00
Dec 2010: Chairman, Adhoc Committee of University Research Policy.
Developed the first ever, Research Policy Document for the University of Ilorin
July 2009 – date: Member, Technical Committee on ETF’S 5.5b Intervention Fund
May-June 2009: Member LOC for the Conference of the Association of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (AVCNU)
May 2009 – date: Member Committee on the Establishment of the University Radio Station
March 2009: Member, Committee on the revision and update of the University’s strategic plan
January 2008:Secretary, Committee on Erection of College Building for the College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin. This assignment was so effectively carried out that the University Administration wrote a special letter of commendation.
Committees Chaired in UITH, Ilorin
May2010 – 2014:Chairman, ICT Committee.
This Committee is again at the vanguard of the computerization of the operations of the Hospital.
2006 – 2010: Revenue Generation Committee,
2002 – 2006: Committees of Revolving Funds Scheme
- Essential Drug Revolving Fund
- Operation Pack Revolving Fund
- Laboratory Revolving Fund
- Ophthalmology Revolving Funds
- Prevention of Maternal Mortality Revolving Funds
- Medical Rehabilitation Revolving Fund
- Renal Unit Revolving Fund
- Radiology Revolving Fund
- Emergency Care Revolving Fund
Housing Allocation Committee
Staff Welfare Committee
Senior Staff Training Committee
Schools’ Committees:
- Post-Basic Nursing School Management Committee
- School of Health Information Management
- Community Health Officers
- Renal Care Nursing Programme: (This was introduced by me and the school is today fully established with the Renal Care Centre being in Collaboration with Sheffield Kidney Institute).
Committee on the Introduction of Banking operations
He successfully guided the affairs of this committee until Hospital Management adopted the option of using the banks to collect funds. A situation that has led to improved revenue and service delivery in the hospital
Previous Posts Held in Professional Bodies
Member, Elders Committee NMA Kwara State
Nigeria Society of Neonatal Medicine
Ex-officio Member 2012-2014
West-African College of Physicians
Institutional Representative (2007)
Pediatric Association of Nigeria.
Treasurer, Local Organizing Committee 2010 Annual Conference in Ilorin
National Treasurer, (1998-2000)
Secretary, Local Organising Committee, 1998 Annual Conference in Ilorin
Nigerian Medical Association
Member, National Executive Council, 1994-97
General Secretary, Kwara State Branch1994-97
Assistant Secretary, Kwara State Branch, 1991-1993
Association of Resident Doctors, UITH, Ilorin
Vice President/Acting President,(1992)
Personal Details
Nationality Nigerian
Marital Status Married with Children
Prof. Olugbenga A. MOKUOLU, FWACP (Paed)
Feb 2016
WHO-RBM Partnership
Oct ’15-Jan ’16
Technical Support to Liberia
June- Dec 2014
Technical Support to Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya on Global Fund Concept Note
These Consultations were to help countries present proposals on the New Funding Mechanism for Global Fund applications. Nigeria and Uganda were successful, while that of Kenya is work in Progress.
May-June 2013 Technical Assistance
Development of Malaria Case Management Manual for Somalia
Development of both participant and facilitator’s manuals in malaria case management and training of the senior health officials in Somali lands
Jul11 – Feb12 Technical Assistance
Providing Technical Assistance to National Malaria Control Programme of Ethiopia in the application for the Transition Funding Mechanism of Global Fund
May –July 2012: Technical Assistance
National Malaria Control Programme for Round 8 Phase II Global Fund grant
Jun10 – Aug10 Technical Assistance
Successfully provided Technical support to the Division of Malaria Control in Kenya for the Global Fund round 10 application process for $120million (US) to scale up malaria intervention. Kenya had a Category II-A approval.
May-Jun 09 Technical Assistance
He provided Technical Assistance for the development of the $50m malaria proposal to the Global Fund on Affordable Medicines Facilities for Malaria (AMFm). Nigeria had again been given a Category II approval
Nov08 – Date Technical Assistance
Served as lead consultant for the revision and development of the Malaria Case Management training manuals (Both the Learners’ and Tutors’ Guide). This is the document that is used for the WHO organized International Training on Malaria Case Management
2008 – Date Technical Assistance
He provided Technical Assistance to WHO-HQ on the review of the Malaria Treatment Guideline. He served as the Chair for the sub-Committee on severe malaria, April and October 2008
May-Jul 2008 Consultant
He was the sole consultant that provided technical support to Nigeria for the development of the malaria component of the Round 8 Global Fund proposal. Nigeria was awarded $500m USD. This was the single largest grant ever won by any country since the inception of the Global Fund. Activities also include programmatic gap analysis and update of the National Malaria Control Strategic Plan. Supported by Malaria No More
May-Jul 2007 Consultant
I provided Technical Support to Malawi for the development of the malaria component of the Round 7 Global Fund proposal 17th May-1st July 2007. I also updated the National Malaria Control Strategic and the National M&E Plans. Malawi got $68million from this proposal
May 2007 Consultant
Provided technical support to John Snow Incorporated in the Mid Term Review of the Making Medical Injections Safer in Nigeria
May 2005 Consultant:
Assisted Nigeria in the development of the malaria component of the Round 5 Global fund proposal from 15th -31st May, 2005
2004 – 2005 Consultant
Technical Consultation on Antimalarial Treatment Guidelines in Geneva 20th -22nd April and 2nd -4th August 2004 and March 2005.
Oct 2003 Consultant
Field testing of the RBM/IMCI algorithm in Eritrea
2002: Consultant/Facilitator
Conducted a national Trainer of Trainers training in Sierra Leone on management of severe malaria at the District level for 11 National trainers
2000: Facilitator
I served as facilitator at the inter-country training on capacity building on management of malaria at district level in Kampala, Uganda and Lilongwe, Malawi between September and October 2000. In all 17 countries were in attendance during which they were introduced to the training manual on malaria and follow up tools.
1998-2001: Temporary Adviser
I was a Consultant for the development of Training Tools on the Management and Follow up after training on Malaria at the district hospital level for the African region.
WHO Consultant on the development of Training Module on Management of Malaria
He worked in the Regional Office of WHO in Harare from 1st –23rd October 1998 and 3rd - 22nd August 1999, April 11-27 2001 with another Consultant from Uganda to develop a Training Manual on the Management of malaria at the District hospital level in Africa (Learners and Facilitators guide). He also worked with the WHO country office in the development of the Nigerian adaptation of the training manuals and Malaria treatment guidelines.
2008/09 Consultant
Development of the Malaria Control Strategic Plan
Principal Investigator (Kwara State)
National Drug Trial and Efficacy Testing for antimalarials is expected to do Science subjects. .
2005 Activities
This was a landmark year where Dr Mokuolu played key roles in the Change process that lead to the use of Artemisinin Combination Therapy for the treatment of malaria in Nigeria and in UITH in particular.
- Facilitator: One day sensitization meeting of Consultants in Tertiary Institutions held in NICON NUGA hotel, Abuja. Over 100 Consultants were trained
- Chief Facilitator: Training of Doctors in tertiary institutions on malaria case management July 2005. 44 Doctors from Kogi and Kwara states were trained at the Federal Secretariat in Ilorin.
- Chief Facilitator: Training of 160 local government health staff on malaria case management and current trend in antimalarial treatment. July 2005 at Circular Hotels, Ilorin
- Facilitator: Two day orientation for Senior Administrators (DGs, Permanent Secretaries, Programme Coordinators, and Senior Health officials on IMCI held at the Satellite motel in Ilorin. 46 participants were in attendance.
- Teacher: Dr Mokuolu teaches malaria to medical undergraduates at the University of Ilorin. Annually he teaches at least 200 undergraduates with a minimum of 6 hour contact.
- Sundry: Advocacy and Sensitization activities in his personal capacity within and outside the teaching hospital.
May 2005 Consultant
Served as consultant for the initial preparatory and consensus building processes towards the writing of the malaria component of the Round 5 Global proposal for Nigeria from 2nd -14th May 2005
- Member Transition Committee on Change of National Antimalarial Treatment Policy
- Zonal Consultant (Zone C) of the National Malaria Control Program, Nigeria.
1999-date: Served as facilitator in conducting malaria case management training.
1997-2003 Consultant
National Programme on Immunization. (1997 – 2003)
2000: Core Facilitator to Akwa-Ibom State for the microplaning for the 2000 NIDs.
His specific roles were those of advocacy, supervision of training and co-ordinating the Central facilitators assigned to the state.
2000: Central Facilitator and Deputy Team leader for the SNID in Kano State:
This was a special team comprising 44 central facilitators. I had administrative, advocacy, training and monitoring functions.
Others: served on various review Committees of the NPI. I was involved with the review and development of the Field Guide for the 2000 NIDs and Vitamin A supplementation
1999: Central Facilitator and Deputy Team Leader for the Sub National Immunization Days in Oyo State
Specifically I was involved with the microplanning, advocacy, training of the State personnel and implementation of the SNIDs in Oyo State.
1999: Central Facilitator and Finance focal person for the Imo State NIDs (House-House)
Served as Central Facilitator and doubled as the Finance focal person that saw to the successful disbursement of the sum of N8.7million on two occasions, to the various participants on the field. The State has so far recorded its highest coverage during this period. Our state report was often cited as a model
1998: Central Facilitator for the NIDs in Gombe State
1996: Central Facilitator
National Immunization Days in PlateauState
1995 – date: Master Trainer on Lactation Management
Coordinator BFHI Steering Committee, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Consultant on the Bamako Initiative Studies in Nigeria
Member of the team that carried out the Baseline and Evaluation survey of the Bamako Initiative in Akinyele LGA of Nigeria in 1996 and 1998 using the Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques.
Benue Health fund
Served as a consultant to the Benue Health Fund in training Doctors and other category of health workers in the BHF assisted hospitals on management of malaria over a three week period May 1-22nd 1999 APPENDIX II: PUBLICATIONS
- MalariaGEN Plasmodium falciparum Community Project. (2016) Genomic epidemiology of artemisinin resistant malaria Elife. 4;5. pii: e08714. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08714
- Mokuolu OA and Mokuolu OA. (2016) Engineering based Environmental Management Strategies for Malaria Control: A review SMU Medical Journal, 3:161-176.
- Mokuolu OA, Ntadom GN, Ajumobi OO, Alero RA, Wammanda RD, Adedoyin OT, Okafor HU, Alabi AD, Odey FA, Agomo CO, Edozieh KU, Fagbemi TO, Njidda AM, Babatunde S, Agbo EC, Nwaneri NB, Shekarau ED, Obasa TO, Ezeigwe NM. Status of the use and compliance with malaria rapid diagnostic tests in formal private health facilities in Nigeria. Malar J. 2016 ;15(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-1064-x
- Olaosebikan, R., Ernest, K., Bojang, K., Mokuolu, O., Rehman, A. M., Affara, et al (2015). A Randomized Trial to Compare the Safety, Tolerability, and Effectiveness of 3 Antimalarial Regimens for the Prevention of Malaria in Nigerian Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. J Infect Dis. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv093
- Miotto O, Amato R, Ashley EA, MacInnis B, Almagro-Garcia J, Amaratunga C, Lim P, Mead D, Oyola SO, Dhorda M, Imwong M, Woodrow C, Manske M,Stalker J, Drury E, Campino S, Amenga-Etego L, Thanh TN, Tran HT, Ringwald P, Bethell D, Nosten F, Phyo AP, Pukrittayakamee S, Chotivanich K, Chuor CM, Nguon C, Suon S, Sreng S, Newton PN, Mayxay M, Khanthavong M, Hongvanthong B, Htut Y, Han KT, Kyaw MP, Faiz MA, Fanello CI, Onyamboko M, Mokuolu OA, Jacob CG, Takala-Harrison S, Plowe CV, Day NP, Dondorp AM, Spencer CCA, McVean G, Fairhurst RM, White NJ and Kwiatkowski DP (2015) Genetic architecture of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. Nature Geneticsdoi:10.1038/ng.3189
- WWARN Parasite Clearance Study Group (2015) Baseline data of parasite clearance in patients with falciparum malaria treated with an artemisinin derivative: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Malar J. 14:359. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0874-1.
- Dunmade AD, Ajayi IO, Alabi BS, Mokuolu OA, Bolaji BO, Oyinloye OI (2015). Intranasal Endoscopic Repair of Bilateral Choanal Atresia in a Male Newborn with Crouzon’s Syndrome. East Cent. Afr J Surg. 20:96-101
- WHO (2014). Severe Malaria. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 19 (Suppl. 1), 7–131
- Suleiman MB and Mokuolu OA. (2014) Perinatal mortality in a northwestern Nigerian city: a wakeup call. Front Pediatr. 2:105. doi: 10.3389/fped.2014.00105
- Tracking Resistance to Artemisinin Collaboration. (2014). Spread of Arteminisinin Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria. N Engl J Med;371:411-23. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1314981
- Ashley EA1, Dhorda M, Fairhurst RM, Amaratunga C, Lim P, Suon S, Sreng S, Anderson JM, Mao S, Sam B, Sopha C, Chuor CM, Nguon C, Sovannaroth S, Pukrittayakamee S, Jittamala P, Chotivanich K, Chutasmit K, Suchatsoonthorn C, Runcharoen R, Hien TT, Thuy-Nhien NT, Thanh NV, Phu NH, Htut Y, Han KT, Aye KH, Mokuolu OA,…Tracking Resistance to Artemisinin Collaboration (TRAC). Spread of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria. N Engl J Med. 31;371 (5):411-23. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1314981
- White NJ, Pukrittayakamee S, Hien TT, Faiz MA, Mokuolu OA and Dondrop AM (2014) Malaria. Lancet; 383:723-35
- OA Mokuolu, OD Adegboye, OA Mokuolu (2014) The impact of environmental factors on malaria prevalence in a peri-urban community in Kwara state, Nigeria. Inter J Pub Health Sci 3:173-8
- Kolawole O, Ozokonkwo O, Mokuolu O. (2014) Prevalence of Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria among patients attending University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. Animal Research Inter. 2063
- Ernest SK, Johnson A-WBR, Mokuolu OA, Adedoyin OT, Afolabi JK, Nwabueze CO, Ernest MA, Aderinola CI, Alarape AJ. (2014) Acute Respiratory Infections in the Middle-Belt Region of Nigeria. AJCEM 15: 51-59
- Amadi HO, Mokuolu OA and Obasa T. (2013) Effect of high sun intensity on neonatal incubator functionality in a tropical climate. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 19:122-128
- OT Adedoyin, M Ibrahim, WBR Johnson, AO Ojuawo, OA Mokuolu, SK Ernest, O Adesiyun, AO Adegboye, AA Akanbi II, S Odimayo, OV Adebara and AO Saka (2013). Bacterial Isolates of Blood in Children with Suspected Septicaemia in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital. Trop J Health Sc 20:31-36
- Mokuolu OA, Adesiyun OO, Suleiman MB and Bello M. (2012) Intrauterine growth standards: a cross-sectional study in a population of Nigerian newborns. Pediatric Reports; 4:e29 doi:10.4081/pr.2012.e29
- Obasa TO, Mohammed SS, Ernest SK and Mokuolu OA. (2012) Extrauterine growth restriction occurring in babies with gestational ages equal to and less than 32 weeks managed at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 3(9) : 562-568
- Suleiman BM, Mokuolu OA, Adesiyun OO and Adeniyi. (2012) A Pattern of Perinatal Mortality in Babies Delivered at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. W/Afr J Med 31:102-8
- Amadi HO, Mokuolu OA and Obasa TO. (2012) Effect of high sun intensity on neonatal incubator functionality in a tropical climate, Journal of Neonatal Nursing. doi:10.1016/j.jnn.2012.03.011
- Saka A, Saka MJ, Adeboye MAN, Mokuolu OA, Abu-Saeed MB, Abu-Saeed K (2012) Malaria Parasitaemia in Children with Protein Energy Malnutrition In North Central Nigeria: A Case Control Study. IOSR J Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSRJPBS):1 (3): 49-53
- Obasa TO, Adesiyun OO, Mokuolu OA and Ojuawo AI (2012) Comparative analysis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels in pre-term and term babies delivered at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. Peadiatric Reports
- von Seidlein L, Olaosebikan R, Hendriksen ICE , Lee SJ, Adedoyin O T, Agbenyega T, Nguah SB, Bojang K, Deen JL, Evans J, Fanello CI, Gomes E, Pedro AJ, Kahabuka C, Karema C, Kivaya E, Maitland K, Mokuolu OA, Mtove G, Mwanga-Amumpaire J, Nadjm B, Nansumba M, Ngum WP, Onyamboko MA, Reyburn Hugh, Sakulthaew T, Silamut K, Tshefu AK, Umulisa N, Gesase S, Day NPJ, White NJ and Dondorp AM (2012). Predicting the Clinical Outcome of Severe Falciparum Malaria in African Children: Findings from a Large Randomized Trial. Clin Inf Disease1-10
- Adesiyun OO, Mokuolu OA, Johnson A'WBR, Bello MA and Adeniyi (2012) APrevalence Of Early Onset Sepsis In Relation To Exclusive Breast Feeding Among Newborns In Ilorin. Trop J of Health Sciences 19, (1), 22-26
- Obasa TO,Mokuolu OAand Ojuawo A (2011) Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase levels in babies delivered at the University of Ilorin teaching hospital. Nig J Paediatr 38(4):165 - 169
- Durowaye M; Adeboye MAN; Yahaya-Kongoila S; Adaje A; Adesiyun O; Ernest SK; Mokuolu OA; Adegboye A (2011). Familial ectrodactyly syndrome in a Nigerian child: a case report. Oman Med J 26, 2750
- Lubell Y, Riewpaiboon A, Dondorp AM, von Seidlein L, Mokuolu OA et al. (2011) Cost-effectiveness of parenteral artesunate for treating children with severe malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Bull World Health Organ 89:504–512
- Suleiman BM; Mokuolu OA; Adesiyun O; Adeniyi A (2011) Determinants of mortality of preterm babies in the university of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin Nigeria. Niger Postgrad Med J 17, 2910
- Amadi HO, Azubuike JC, Etawo US, Offiong UR, Ezeaka C, Olateju E, Adimora GN, Akin Osibogun A, Ibeziako N, Iroha EO, Dutse AI, Chukwu CO, Okpere EE, Kawuwa MB, El-Nafaty AU, Kuranga SA and Mokuolu OA(2010). The Impact of Recycled Neonatal Incubators in Nigeria: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study International Journal of Pediatrics Volume 2010, Article ID 269293, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2010/269293
- Arjen M Dondorp, Caterina I Fanello, Ilse C E Hendriksen…AQUAMAT Group (2010)Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an open-label, randomised trial. Lancet 376:1647-57
- Olaosebikan R, Mokuolu O, Ernest K, Adeniyi A. (2010) Risk factors for malaria in children presenting with fever or history of fever in rural Gambia. Journal of Paediatrics Infectious Diseases 5:149-154.
- Mokuolu OA, Suleiman BM, Adesiyun OA and AdeniyiA. (2010)Prevalence and determinants of pre-term deliveries in the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. Pediatric Reports; volume 2:e3.
- Adeboye MA, Obasa TO, Fadeyi A, Adesiyun OO and Mokuolu OA. (2010). Haemophilus meningitis in an African neonate: time for active surveillance and institution of appropriate control measure. West Afr J Med 29:275-7.
- Mokuolu OA, Falade CO, Okafor HU, Orogade AA, Adedoyin OT, Oguonu T, HO Dada-Adegbola, AO Oguntayo, Ernest SK, Hamer DH, and Callahan MV. (2009). Malaria at Parturition in Nigeria: Current Status and Delivery Outcome.Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Article ID 473971, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2009/473971
- Orogade AA, Falade CO, Okafor HU, Mokuolu OA, Adedoyin OT, Oguonu TA, , Mamman AI. Ogunkunle OA, Ernest SK, Hamer DHand Callahan MV (2008). Clinical and laboratory feature of congenital malaria in Nigeria. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 3; 181–187.
- Mokuolu OA, Okoro EO, Adewara AA, Ayetoro SO. (2007) Effect of the Artemisinin Based Treatment policy on consumption pattern of antimalarials. Am J Trop Med Hyg 76: 7-11
- Ologe MO, Mokuolu OA and Adedoyin OT (2007). Pattern of antimalarial prescriptions for children and pregnant mothers by private medical practitioners in Ilorin, Nigeria. Trop Doct. 37:212-4
- Falade CO, Yusuf BO, Fadero FF, Mokuolu OA, Hamer DH, Salako LA. (2007). Intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine is effective in preventing maternal and placental malaria in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. Malar J. 6:88 (
- Amadi HO, Mokuolu OA, Adimora GN, Pam SD, Etawo US, Ohadugha CO and Adesiyun OO. (2007) Digitally recycled incubators: better economic alternatives to modern systems in low-income countries. Ann Trop Paediatr 27:207–214
- Falade CO, Mokuolu OA, Okafor HU, Orogade AA, Falade AG, Adedoyin OT, Oguonu T, Maman A, Hamer DH, and Callahan MV. (2007) Epidemiology of congenital malaria in Nigeria: a multi-centre study. Trop Med Int Health. 2007 23; 1279-87
- Ernest SK, Mokuolu OA (2005)Recent advances in childhood antimalarial chemotherapy. Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 6: 129-137
- Ojuawo A, Olatunji PO, Mokuolu O (2005) Bioethics: The principles guiding the protection of participants in medical research. Trop J H Sci 12:1-6
- Abdulkarim AA, Mokuolu OA, Adeniyi A. (2005) Drug use among adolescents in Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria. Trop Doc 4: 225-8
- Tabari A.M, Mokuolu OA, Bello MA, Danfulani M.T. (2004) Adrenal Haemorrhage: clinical diagnosis and ultrasound in a Nigerian newborn Niger J Clin. Pract; 7:93-96
- Abdulkarim AA, Mokuolu OA and Adeniyi A. (2003) Sexual activity among adolescents in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Afr J Med med Sci 32: 339-341.
- Adedoyin OT, Johnson WBR, Mokuolu OA, Ajayi OA (2003) Acute renal failure complicating neonatal sub-galeal haemorrhage. Ped Nep 18:848-849.
- Adedoyin OT, Mokuolu OA. Neonatal illnesses and the kidney. (2005) Postgraduate Doctor (Caribbean edition; 21: 76-82.
- Mokuolu OA, Jiya N and Adesiyun OO. (2002) Neonatal Septicaemia in Ilorin: Bacteria Pathogens and antibiotic sensitivity pattern. Afr J Med Med Sci; 31:127-130.
- Mokuolu OA, Abdul IF and Adesiyun OO. (2002) Maternal factors associated with early spontaneous singleton preterm delivery in Nigeria. Trop J Obs Gynae; 19: 32-35
- Mokuolu OA and Ajayi OA. (2002) Use of an oxygen concentrator in a Nigerian neonatal unit: economic implications and reliability. Ann Trop Pediatr; 22: 209-212.
- Ernest SK, Mokuolu O and Adeniyi A. (2002) Birth Injury: Once in a lifetime. Sahel Med J 5: 99-101.
- Ernest SK, Mokuolu OA and Adeniyi A. (2001) Evaluation of Sodium Sulphacetamide drops in the Treatment of Ophthalmia Neonatorium. Nig J Paediatr; 28: 50-52
- Ajayi OA and Mokuolu OA.(2001)Distal renal tubular acidosis, an uncommonly diagnosed cause of failure to thrive: report of five cases. Nig J Paediatr; 28:21-24
- Johnson W B R and Mokuolu OA. (2001). Russell-Silver Syndrome in a Nigerian Infant with Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation. J Natl Med Assoc; 93: 185-193
- Mokuolu OA, Ernest SK, Ogbonmide BF and Adeniyi (2000) A Packed red cell volume pattern of Nigerian preterms. Ann Trop Pediatr; 20: 45-49
- Ernest SK, Adeniyi A, Mokuolu OA. Onile BO and Oyewale B. (2000) Neonatal conjunctivitis in Ilorin. Nig J Paediatr; 27: 39-46
- Balogun E A and Mokuolu O. (2000) Evaluation of Plasma Enzymes in Neonates Treated with Sulbactam Sodium/Ampicillin Sodium (Unasyn). Nig J Biochem Mol Biol; 15: 65-69.
- Ajayi OA and Mokuolu OA. (1997) Evaluation of neonates with risk for infection/ suspected sepsis: Is routine lumbar puncture necessary? Trop Med and Inter Health; 2: 284 – 288.
- Balogun EA, Malomo SO and Mokuolu OA. (1997) Activity of some Leucocyte Enzymes in Children with Sickle cell disease. W/Afr J Bio Sciences; 6: 196-201.
- Johnson WBR, Mokuolu OA and Ogan O. (1993) Tuberculosis Laryngitis in a Nigerian child. Ann of Tropical Paeditr, 13 : 91-94
- Johnson A'WBR, Mokuolu OA and Onile B A. (1992) Chloramphenicol resistant H-Influenzae meningitis in young urban Nigerian Children. Acta Pediatric 81: 941-943
- Omotosho AO, Mokuolu OA, Ibrahim MO (2015) The Internationalization of the University. In University of Ilorin at 40, The Soaring Eagle. Ijaiya NYS, Olayemi AB, Quadri YA, Olorundare AS, Alabi VA, Mokuolu OA et al as Editors. Published by the University of Ilorin.
- Ijaiya NYS, Olasehinde-Williams FAO, Mokuolu OA, and Abdulbaqi SS (2015) Humanising University Education: The Academic Integrity Initiative. In University of Ilorin at 40, The Soaring Eagle. Ijaya NYS, Olayemi AB, Quadri YA, Olorundare AS, Alabi VA, Mokuolu OA et al as Editors. Published by the University of Ilorin.
- Olutola A and Mokuolu O (2012).Severe Malaria Anaemia in Children, Anemia, In Donald S. Silverberg (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0138-3, InTech.
- World Health Organization, (2011). Malaria Case Management: Training Module for Programme Managers and Experts on Malaria Control and Elimination- Learner’s Guide
- World Health Organization, (2011). Malaria Case Management: Training Module for Programme Managers and Experts on Malaria Control and Elimination- Tutor’s Guide
- Mokuolu OA (2010). Developing and implementing an institutional research policy. In 50 years of University Education in Nigeria: Evolution, Achievements and Future Directions. Okojie J, Oloyede I and Obanya P Editors Publishers University of Ilorin and National Universities Commission
- World Health Organization, (2010). Guidelines for Treatment of Malaria, 2nd Edition. (194 pages)
- Mokuolu OA. (2009) Essential Newborn Care Intervention; In the Nigeria Academy of Science: Reducing maternal and infant mortality in Nigeria. Nwosu J, Odubanjo MO, Osinusi BO eds. West Africa Book Publishers. Lagos Nigeria.
- World Health Organization, (2006). Guidelines for Treatment of Malaria WHO/HTM/MAL 2006.1108. (253pages) (Published by WHO Geneva)
- World Health Organization (2004) Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in the African Region. AFR/MAL/03.01 (Published by the Regional Office of the WHO in Brazzavile)
- World Health Organization(1998) Training manual on the management of uncomplicated and severe malaria for District Health Workers-Learners Guide. (Developed in October 1998 for WHO-AFRO, Harare (revised August 1999 and 2001).
- World Health Organization (1998). Training manual on the management of uncomplicated and severe malaria for District Health Workers (Tutor's Guide). WHO-AFRO, Harare (revised August 1999 and 2001).
- Okafor HU, Mokuolu OA, Falade CO, Orogade AA, Adedoyin OT, Dada-Adegbola HO, Oguonu TA, , Mamman AI. Hamer DHand Callahan MV (2006). Use of malaria preventive measures in pregnancy and placental/neonatal parasitaemia: a multi- center baseline evaluation in Nigeria. Am J Trop Med Hyg Suppl, pg 25. Abstract 85. (Published by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene-Atlanta, USA)
- Ernest SK Mokuolu OA, and Adeniyi A. (2002) Phototherapy and neonatal conjunctivitis: unintended effect of good intentions. Abstract in Nig J Paediatr; 29: 87 (Published by the Paediatric Association of Nigeria)
- Ajayi OA and Mokuolu OA. (1994) Gram negative meningitis in the neonate: the contribution of nosocomial acquisition. Abstracts in Nig J Paediatr, 21: 71 (Published by the Paediatric Association of Nigeria)
- Taiwo O, Akanji B, Mokuolu OA and Bassir I. (1996): Report of Community rural appraisal activities on ODA/ IDS baseline study of the Bamako Initiative project in Akinyele LGA, Nigeria
- Mokuolu OA. Report of the (1997) National Immunization Days Micro Planning process for Plateau State ( Submitted to UNICEF)
- Mokuolu OA and Zoakah AI (August 1998) Report of the 1998 National Immunization Days Micro Planning process for Gombe State (Submitted to UNICEF/WHO)