- Dr. Innocent Otobo Ujah, Jnr. (30 years)
- Mr. Ujah Lawrence Ujah (28 years)
- Mr. Udeh Ujah (24 years)
- Miss Anne Ane Ujah (13 years)
1960-1963: Our Lady of Lordes, Primary School, Aidogodo, Okpoga.
1964-1966: St Mary's Primary School, Otukpo.
1967-1971: Government Secondary School, Katsina-Ala (School Certificate)
1972 - June 1973: Government College Keffi (HSC)
Oct.1973-June 1978: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (MBBS Degree)
1990 -1991:University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria (Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM).
1993: University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, (Diploma in International Maternal Health Care, (Dip IMHC)
1995: National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (Senior Executive Course), Kuru.
Summary of Qualifications, Academic and Administrative Experience:
- Innocent Achanya Otobo UJAH is a 60 - year old Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Surgeon with the following qualifications; (MBBS (ABU), 1978), Fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria in Obstetric and Gynaecology (FMCOG, 1988), Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management (1992), Honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, England (1992). Diploma in International Maternal Health Care (1993), Specialist in Gynaecological Endocrinology and Infertility (1987), member, National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS ( mni, 1995), Honorary fellow of the International College of Surgeons (FICS 1996),
- Expert and proven progressive 31 years experience in National Maternal Health policy development in Nigeria Including national integrated planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities in 36 states of the Federation and FCT. Contributed to the institution of Safe motherhood activities in Nigeria commencing 1990. Chairman, Safe motherhood Committee in Nigeria, member, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) and has participated actively in the development, policy formulation, field-testing of certification criteria and implementation of Women and Children friendly health services.
- Acquired high-level Senior Executive Course in policy formulation and strategy in the Senior Executive Course at the National Institute for policy and strategic studies (NIPSS), Kuru-Jos,
- Has participated in the administration in the affairs of professional Associations including 17 consecutive years of membership of the National Executive Council (NEC) of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), part of which was served as 2nd and 1st National Vice-President of the Association at different times. Has served on the Council of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) consecutively for 19 years and part of which included serving in the capacity of Assistant Secretary-General of the Society and later served as the Secretary-General of the Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) from 2005 to 2011
- Good technical ability to conduct national Safe motherhood and HIV/AIDS needs assessments, national and sub-national surveys with proven skills in research methodology.
- Proven experience in high-level advocacy and social mobilisation for National Government commitment to health, particularly, in safe motherhood through supporting legislation for improvement of maternal and neonatal health in Nigeria towards achieving health-related MDGs.
- Good grasp and clear understanding of UNICEF corporate mandates in the institution and implementation of national interventions for the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality through Country Programmes of Co-operation (CPC).
- Expert understanding and proven experience in maternal health programming using the life cycle approach. Ability to support, contribute and participate in strengthening national and sub-national health systems for the improvement of maternal, neonatal and child health through capacity building of postgraduate medical personnel, paramedical personnel including midwives, community health workers and family planners.
- Has over 17 years experience in developing Situation Analysis reports at national and sub-national on the state of women and children‟s health. Extensive multi-sectoral collaboration with governments, universities, UN agencies and NGOs on the use of situation analysis reports for the improvement of maternal, neonatal and children health programming. Contribution to the development and setting up of quality assurance standards through the use of quality assurance tools including Client Oriented Provider Efficient Services (COPE tool), Certification Criteria for Women and Children Friendly Health Services with 10 years active implementation and evaluation.
- UNICEF Project Officer Health, Enugu Zonal Office (July 2002 – July 2003). Implementation of Maternal and Child health programmes with Safe motherhood as priority in 10 states of 32 million people. Fully engaged in inter-sectoral collaboration for the implementation of safe motherhood activities. Proven experience in the use of social mobilisation strategies as cross cutting tool for the improvement of community-based maternal health activities including key Safe motherhood household practices.
- Member of the Zonal HIVAIDS committee for advocacy and mobilisation of government and stakeholders for the prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIVAIDS. Member of the Zonal Technical Committee on VCT. Broad and proven experience in the main strategies of HIVAIDS programming.
- Successful implementation of the Roll Back Malaria programme in the UNICEF Zonal Office. Improved social marketing strategies for community acceptability of Insecticide treated Nets (ITNs) as part of malaria control programme.
- Good and proven negotiating skills in government partnerships, ability to work harmoniously in international environment and settings.
- Proficiency in Computer application using the various software such as Microsoft words, excel and EPi-info and SPSS statistical software packages
- Appointed Consultant to DFID/PATHS, (UK), in the survey of Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) in Benue State, Nigeria. PATHS and Partners rated the report and dissemination presentations very high.
- Assistant Project Officer (Health), UNICEF Zonal Office at Enugu and National Office, Abuja (July 2002-December 2004) and successful programme implementation on Malaria/PHC in the Enugu Zonal Office and Nigeria Country Office, Abuja on the UNICEF RBM Programme with focus on the Abuja targets including ITNs promotions using the IMPAC Initiative, Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria (IPT/MIP), and case management of Malaria using recommended anti-Malaria drug. Participated in the concept of programme convergence and integration to further boost the quality of health care services to children and women with strategic objective for mortality and reduction in these vulnerable groups. Participated in the development of RBM communication strategy workshop organised by FMOH/JHUCCP, which further prepared me to effectively scale up promotional efforts on the UNICEF IMPAC Initiative on ITNs use. Participated in the development and finalisation of ITNs policy and guidelines for Nigeria. Participated in the UNICEF programme mid-term review (MTR) in Nigeria, which recorded high-level success.
- Consultant to NACA on the review of anti-retroviral therapy in the North central state In 2005
- Consultant to SNR/USAID on the needs assessment of national response to HIV/AIDS in Benue and Kaduna State in 2005
- Consultant on EOC Training for Doctors to Adamawa state World Bank Assisted HSDP II Project in 2005, 2006 and 2007
- Chairman, UNICEF Zone D Committee on women and children Friendly Health Services (WCFHS) since 1998
- Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Jos, Jos Plateau State (2006-2008) and successfully established the Department of Medical Laboratory Science (Undergraduate programme) and the Master in Public Health (MPH) (Graduate) programme
- Has considerable wealth of administrative and professional knowledge and experience as Head Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Jos
- (1994-2000), Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), Jos University
- Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos (1996-1999), member, Governing Council, University of Jos (1997-1999), Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Jos (2006 -2008)
- Consultant to Society for Family health (SFH) on Situation Analysis on Post-partum Haemorrhage and Misoprostol, IUCD /Implants in Nigeria, April-May 2008
- Consultant to HERFON on Evaluating free maternal mortality in six African Countries (July 2008)
- National coordinator Gates/FIGO MNH project in Nigeria for strengthening Institutional capacity For the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON)
- Currently serves as Director–General/CEO, Nigeria Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Yaba- Lagos (May 2010 to date).
- Co-Chairman, Treatment Research Group (TRG) on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Nigeria
- Member, Presidential Project Implementation Committee (PIC) on the establishment of University Teaching Hospital Otukpo.
1996: Honorary Fellow of International College of Surgeons, FICS (Chicago).
1995: Member of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, mni (NIPSS), Kuru, Jos, Nigeria.
1993: Diploma in International Maternal Health care, University of Uppsala, Dip. IMHC Uppsala, Sweden)
1992: Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management, PGDM (UNIJOS) 1992: Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, FRS Med (UK)
1988:Fellow of the Medical College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National Postgraduate Medical of Nigeria, FMCOG
1987: Cert. Gynaecology Endocrinology and infertility (UK). 1986: Cert. Reproductive Endocrinology (UK)
1978: MBBS (ABU)
- Maternal and Reproductive Health.
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Endocrine infertility.
Administrative as well as professional responsibility of a Faculty with the largest Department (17) in the University of Jos.
ASSISTANT PROJECT OFFICER-HEALTH (Malaria/PHC): Abuja Country Office: Oct 2003 to December 2004.
- Roll Back Malaria including the use of ITNs in homes and health facilities in Nigeria. ITNs Massive Promotion and Awareness Campaign (IMPAC) implementation for scaling up ITNs use all the UNICEF focus States, LGAs and communities in Nigeria.
- Provide support for Intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) of malaria in Pregnancy and participated in developing policy, guidelines and training manual.
- The use of Client Oriented provider efficient health services (COPE), as strategy to improve quality of care in all Health centres in Nigeria. Health Policy and Systems Reforms in Nigeria
- Participated in the development of the proposal written for Global Fund support on anti-malaria combination therapy (ACT) in Nigeria.
- Internal UNICEF Operational processes for programme implementation and management. Programming components of advocacy, capacity building, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation were satisfactorily implemented.
- Participated in the project development of the DFID assistance to UN System programme for achieving millennium development goals 4, 5 and 6 in Nigeria.
Implementation of UNICEF Country programme of Co-operation in the A Zonal office consisting of:
- Women and Children Friendly health Services as a concept for maternal mortality reduction in Nigeria, including improving the skills of service providers (Doctors and Midwives), upgrading health care facilities, providing equipment and supplies to the health centres for access to quality Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC).
- Roll Back Malaria to reduce maternal and childhood morbidity and mortality through the support for the provision of ITNs, Home management of simple malaria by mothers and care givers in addition to orienting patent medicine vendours (PMVs) on the provision of and dispensing quality anti-malaria drugs.
- Health Policy and Systems Reforms to improve access to quality health care.
Internal UNICEF Operational processes for programme implementation and management.
Programming components of advocacy, capacity building, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
- Active participation of Clinical services to Obstetrics and Gynaecology patients including conducting deliveries (normal and Caesarean).
- Active participation in supervision of Postgraduate Residency programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Involved in the development of Curriculum for the management of high-risk pregnancies in Nigeria.
- Initiated update courses in on skills acquisition for skilled attendance at childbirth in Northern Nigeria and supported by UNICEF
- Extensively involved in research design and management including monitoring & evaluation (M&E) on safe motherhood including Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) for the reduction of maternal mortality in Nigeria since 1990.
- Directing research activities in the Collaborative research with the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA, in the Minority research training (MIRT) programme on biomedical research resulting in the publication of several quality research articles in national and international journals.
- Participated in the development of curriculum for the training of skilled attendants at delivery. SOGON safe motherhood project sponsored by Macarthur Foundation.
1998 - September 2001
- Active participation of Clinical services to Obstetrics and Gynaecology patients including conducting deliveries (normal and Caesarean).
- Active participation in supervision of Postgraduate Residency programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Involved in the development of Curriculum for the management of high-risk pregnancies in Nigeria.
- Initiated update courses in on skills acquisition for skilled attendance at childbirth in Northern Nigeria.
- Extensively involved in research design and management on safe motherhood including family planning services and research, post-abortion care (PAC).
- Health Management including administration and Leadership skills.
- Conducted needs assessment in Health facilities for Women and Children Friendly Health Services (WCFHS)
- Conducted evaluation studies on the services provided by Traditional Birth Attendants at childbirth in Northern Nigeria.
- Development and field-testing of certification tools for the improvement of quality of care in maternal, neonatal and child health.
- Development and management of University Collaboration Centres for capacity building of health workers including Post graduate doctors, midwives on Safe motherhood initiatives.
- Development of research collaboration in Human reproduction with the University New Mexico Medical School, Albuquerque, USA.
- Published several scientific articles on magnitude, trend and strategies for reduction on maternal mortality in Nigeria
- Project Coordinator, SOGON Safe motherhood project, Plateau State, Jos, Nigeria; sponsored by Macarthur Foundation.
May 2010 - Date: Director General, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Yaba-Lagos
29th June 2010 to date Member, TETFUND Research Fund Screening and monitoring Sub- Committee for Science & Technology.
July 2009 - 2011: Member, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN)
July 2009 - 2011: Chairman, Medical Education Committee, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).
July 2009 - 2011: Member, Appointment, Promotion & Disciplinary Committee (APDC), Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).
Dec 2006 - November 2007: Member, Board of Management of Jos University Hospital (JUTH), Jos.
Sept.2006 - September 2008: Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS), University of Jos, Nigeria
January 2004 - November 2007: Member, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN), Regulatory body of medical standards & practice in Nigeria
2001 - 2007: Member, Implementation Committee on the establishment of College of Health Sciences in Benue state University (BSU), Makurdi
2001 - 2004:Member, Board of National Orthopedic Hospital, Kano
Oct. 1999-2001: Member, Steering Committee for the Establishment of Faculty of Medicine, Benue State University (BSU), Makurdi, Nigeria.
April ‘97- December 15, 1999: Member, Administrative Tenders Committee, University of Jos, Jos.
April ’97 – December 15, 1999: Member, Finance and general purposes Committee F & GPC), University of Jos, Jos.
1996 – 1999: Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria
April 1997- December, 15, 1999: Member, Governing council of the University of Jos, Nigeria
1996-1997: Senate Representative on Tender's Committee, University of Jos.
1996 - Date: Director, Board of Okpoga Microfinance Bank, Okpoga, Benue State.
Oct. 1994-Jan 2000:Ag. Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Jos.
1989-1994:Member, Board of Management, National Institute of Ophthalmology (National Eye Centre), Kaduna.
2000-2004:Member, Governing Board of the National Orthopedic Hospital, Dala-Kano
2010 to date: Member, Governing Board of Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos 2010 to date: Chairman, Board of Trustees of the NIMR Pension Fund at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research
2014 to date Vice-Chairman, Medical and Dental Council OF Nigeria (MDCN)
2014 to date: Member, Presidential Project Implementation Committee (PIC) on the establishment of University Teaching Hospital, Otukpo.
1980: Oyo State (NYSC) Chairman's award
1987: Life membership award: National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria (NARD).
!999: NMA merit award by Nigerian Medical Association, Plateau State Branch, Jos.
1999: JUMSA Merit award by Jos University Medical Students‟ Association, Jos
2001: Merit Award by Okpoga Development Community (ODC) on the contribution to the establishment of Community Bank in Okpoga, Okpokwu LGA, Benue State
2005: Distinguished Honours award by Okpoga Development Community, Benue State
2008: Distinguished Honours‟ Award for Educational Development in Okpoga, Okpokwu LGA, Benue State
2009: Distinguished KOABA ’71 (DK‟71) by Class 1971 of Government College Katsina-Ala, Benue State
2010: Award of recognition by Idoma National Forum (INF) on my appointment as Director General, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Yaba-Lagos
2010: Honours award by the Aidogodo Development Community on my appointment as Director General, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NMIR), Yaba-Lagos
2010: Member, Consultative Scientific Committee, West African Health Research Network (WAHRNET)
2011: Honours Award and recognition by Okpoga Development Community (ODC) on my appointment as Director General, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Yaba-Lagos
2011: Merit Award by Association of Resident Doctors (ARD), Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos
2011: Honorary Fellow of Health Writers‟ Association of Nigeria (HEWAN) for Outstanding Contribution to Health Journalism
2012: Distinguished Scholar and Guest Lecturer Award by the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
2012: Distinguished Award of Excellence by National Association of Benue State Students (NUBESS), University of Jos, Jos
Feb 2013: ICON of Nation Building of the year award by League of Democratic Students
March 2013: Honours Award for contributing to the building of the College of Medical Science, University of Jos by the College of Medical Science, University of Jos.
September 2013: Award for Professional Excellence in the Health/Medical Sector in Nigeria by Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN)
November 2013: Award of Excellence by Aidogodo Development Community, Okpoga North, Benue State
April 2014: Award of Excellence by the Alumni of University of Jos of Okpoga District, Okpokwu LGA, Benue State.
Jul. 1978 - Jun. '79: Pre-registration House Officer, ABU Hospital, Kaduna.
Jul. 1979 - Jun.1980: NYSC Medical Officer I/C District Hospital Ila-Orangun, Oyo State.
Oct.1981-Dec.'84: Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria.
Jan.1985-May' 85: Senior Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria.
Jan.1986-Aug.'87: Clinical Research Fellow/Honorary Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Milton Keynes, Hospital, Milton Keynes, England.
Sep.1987-Nov.'88:Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Limi Hospital, Zaria.
Dec.1988-Oct. 1991: Lecturer/Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Jos and Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos.
Oct.1991- 1998:Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Jos and Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos.
June 1996 - March ‘99: Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC), Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos.
Oct 1998 - Oct. 2001:Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Jos.
Oct. 2001 – Date:Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Jos
July 2002 - July 31, 2003: APO, HEALTH, UNICEF A Field Office, Enugu, Nigeria
. August 4 - Oct. 2003:Returned to the University to continue research, teaching, Clinical service and community development.
Oct. 24th - Dec 2004:APO (Malaria/PHC), UNICEF Country office & United Nations House, Diplomatic Zone, Abuja, Nigeria.
January 4 2001 - Date.Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, University of Jos/Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria
March/April 1982: Revision course for Primary FWACS.
March/April 1982: Revision course for Part I FWACS.
April 1986: Advanced course on Reproductive Endocrinology. Middlesex Hospital, London, England.
1986: Advanced infertility workshop (sponsored by Serono (UK) Laboratories) Flitwick, Bedfordshire, England.
Oct. 1986: Gynaecological Endocrinology course, at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, England.
6-31st March, 1989: Reproductive Epidemiology course (Rockefeller New York Sponsored) University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Feb. 18-24, 1990: Visitors' workshop, Community-Based training workshop for health professionals, University of Ilorin (World Health Organization WHO collaborating center, Health Manpower Development Division.)
Oct.20-Nov.2, 1990: V.S.C. course on Minilap/LA (Sponsored by AVSC New York) FPAK Nyeri, Kenya.
5th April-7th May, 1993: International Maternal Health Care Course, Uppsala, Sweden (Sponsored by The Swedish Agency for International Technical & Economic Co- operation, BITS).
13Dec., 1997Observation Study TOUR ON PLANNING AND MANAGING A COMMUNITY NATIONAL Family planning -and Reproductive HEALTH PROGRAM in JARKATA-INDONESIA, December 2nd-16th, (sponsored by UNICEF, Nigeria).
Dec. 1997: Three-day Seminar on the involvement of Moslem leaders and organization in family planning/Reproductive Health in Jakarta-Indonesia December, 17-19, 1997(sponsored by UNICEF, Nigeria).
1998: Training of Trainers‟ Workshop on clinic-based contraceptive services organized by AVSC International and UNFPA, conducted of Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta.
1999: Training of Trainers‟ Workshop on Postpartum IUD (PPIUD), conducted by AVSC International in Jos, Nigeria.
1999: Introduction to Computers/Desktop/Data Base Course, Ms Word; Excel, Power point programmes, Kasco Computer Agency.
2004: Visiting Research Fellow, Minority International Research Training (MIRT) Programme, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
1981-1985: Lectures and Clinical Teaching Rounds to undergraduate medical students, ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria.
1982-1984: Lectures to student nurses, ABU T/Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria.
1983-1985: Lectures and Clinical Rounds to Community Health Officers, ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria.
1986-1987: Lectures/Tutorial to Medical Students at Milton Keynes Hospital, Milton Keynes, England.
1988 to Date: Lectures and Clinical Teachings Rounds to Community Health Officers, JUTH, Jos, Nigeria.
1988 to Date: Lectures and Clinical Teachings Rounds to Undergraduate Medical Students, University of Jos, Nigeria.
1988 to Date: Teaching of postgraduate students doing Residency Training Programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
1988 to Date: Supervision of Residents Doctors' projects (case Records and Commentaries) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Feb. 1983: First Scientific Conference of the National Association of Resident Doctors' of Nigeria (NARD) Ibadan, Chaired a session.
Feb. 1984: Second Scientific Conference of the Resident Doctors' Association of Nigeria Port Harcourt, Chaired a session.
March, 1986: Scientific Conference on Gynaecological LASER Surgery, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist London, England.
Nov. 1986: Inaugural Scientific Conference on Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer (GIFT) in UK, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, England.
March, 1987: Lunch-Time Clinical Seminar, General Hospital, Northampton, England.
Presented a paper on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Experience with Urofollitrophin (metrodin).
March, 1987: Scientific Conference on pregnancy hypertension, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, England.
January, 1988; Blair Bell Research Society of Great Britain conference held at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, England.
1988: SOGON Conference held in Jos. Presented a paper on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
1989: SOGON Conference held in Calabar, Presented a paper on Family Planning and Teenagers in Zaria, Nigeria.
1990: Nigerian Medical Association Scientific conference held in Lagos. Presented two papers.
1990: SOGON Conference on Safe motherhood held in Abuja, March '90.
1991: First all Nigerian Conference on AIDS organized by the Nigerian Medical Association in Gate-Way Hotel, OTA, Ogun State.
April, 1991: Nigerian Medical Association Scientific Conference held at NIKE Lake Hotel, Enugu. Presented a paper on Recurrent abortions and pregnancy outcome.
August, 1991: Consultative Committee meeting on the prevention of unsafe abortion in Nigeria organized by the Nigerian Medical Association, OTA. Nigeria.
August, 1991: African Fertility Society (AFS) conference, Jos (Presented papers).
Sept. 1991: Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Conference held at EKO L' Meridian Hotel, Lagos, presented a paper of Bio-social characteristics of Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD).
Dec. 1991: International Seminar on prevention of Abortion - related morbidity and mortality in Nigeria, organized population council, New York and Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
March, 1992: 2nd All Nigerian Conference on AIDS, organized by the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) at Gate Way Hotel, Ota. Nigeria.
April, 1992: Nigerian Medical Association Scientific Conference held at Govt. House, Kawo, Kaduna
July, 1992:26th British Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (BCOG) Manchester, England.
August, 1992: Law Reform Conference on Abortion organized by Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP) at Ota.
Sept. 1992: Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Conference held at Benin City. Presented 5 papers.
March, 1993: 3rd All Nigerian Conference on AIDS organized by the Nigerian Medical Association at Ota, Ogun State.
June, 1993: Consultative Committee meeting on the prevention of unsafe abortion in Nigeria - The way forward at Ota, Nigeria.
Oct. 1993: Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics held at DURBAH HOTEL, KADUNA – Presented a paper on the outcome of pregnancy following induction of ovulation in clomiphene- resistant Polycystic ovary syndrome. (PCOS).
June, 1994: Consultative Meeting on Networking to eliminate unsafe abortion in Nigeria. Held between 2nd - 5th June, 1994 at FESTAC '77 Hotel Plc, Lagos.
Sept. 1994: World Congress of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. (FIGO) Held in Montreal, Canada. Sept. 23-30.
Nov. 1994: Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) Trainers' Workshop, organized by IPAS in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nov. 21-23.
Nov. 1994: Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Kwara Hotel, Ilorin, Nov. 24-26.
Dec. 1994:Consultative group meeting on "Empowering Women for Better Reproductive Health" organized by Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy at Gateway Hotel, Ota, Ogun State, Dec. 8-11.
Nov. 1995: Annual Scientific Conference of SOGON held in Port-Harcourt, Nov. 23-26.
Nov. 1996: Annual General/Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held at University of Ibadan, November 27-30, 1996, presented a paper on maternal mortality.
Nov. 1996: Annual General/Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held at Hill Station Hotel, Jos, November 19th- 22nd, 1997 (Hosted the conference as Secretary, Local Organizing Committee).
Nov. 1998: International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Held in Benin City, Organized by SOGON.
Nov. 1999 :Annual Conference of Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel Lagos Presented three Papers.
Nov.2000 Annual Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held at Women Development Centre, Abuja. Presented 4 papers.
Nov. 2001 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held at Hotel Presidential, Enugu. Presented 5 papers.
Nov. 2002 6th International Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held at Sheraton Hotels and Towers Abuja; Presented 7 papers.
Nov. 2004 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, Presented a Paper on the needs assessment on emergency Obstetric care (EOC) in Plateau State, SOGON Safe motherhood project sponsored by Mac Arthur Foundation
Nov. 2005 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held at Ibadan; presented three papers.
Jan. 2006 Meeting on Access to emergency obstetric care organized by ACCESS (JHEIGO), Nigeria held at UN House Abuja
Feb.2006 Policy meeting on the use of Misoprostol in the prevention of postpartum Haemorrhage in Nigeria, sponsored by Emzor Pharmaceuticals (Nig.) Ltd held at Agura Hotel, Abuja
March 2006 Strategic planning meeting for Nigerian Medical Association, sponsored by COMPASS held at Ota
April 2006 Expert meeting of Vision 2010 on maternal mortality reduction On streamlining measuring Indicators held at Transcorp Hilton Abuja
April 2006 Annual conference/AGM of Nigerian Medical Association held at Le Meridian Hotel, Abuja
May 2006 Meeting of National Safe motherhood Committee held at Comfort Royale Hotel, Abuja, sponsored by CEDPA
June 2006 Meeting on Accelerated strategy for child development held Minna, sponsored by UNICEF
July 2006 Dissemination meeting on the Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garment (NASG) in the Management of Post partum Haemorrhage held at Transcorp Hilton, sponsored MacArthur Foundation
Nov. 2006 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Abuja; presented four papers.
Nov. 2007 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Benin City; Presented papers.
Nov. 2008 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Enugu; Presented 3 Scientific papers
July 2009 Research-based Response to sexual violence in Developing Countries, held in Misty Hills Hotel, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, July 6-9, 2009
Oct 2009 Pre-Conference Workshop on WHO/FIGO ALLIANCE FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH Held at the International Conference Centre (ICC) Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, Oct 3, 2009
Oct 2009 International Congress of International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Held in Cape Town, Republic of South Africa Oct 4 - 9, 2009: Presented two papers
Nov 2009 Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Kano, Nov 17-21, 2009; Presented 2 Scientific papers
Jan 2010 One-day Stakeholders‟ meeting on the implementation of Midwives Service Scheme (MSS) in Nigeria, organized by NPHCDA, Abuja and held on January 12, 2010
April 2010 Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) workshop, organized by International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics (FIGO)
October 2010 Annual review meeting of FIGO/GATES MNH (LOGIC) Initiative held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 22-26, 2010
October 2010 Annual meeting of International Association of National Public Health Institutions held at Emory Hotels, Atlanta Georgia, 30th October - 3 November, 2010
Nov 2010 8th International Conference & 44th Annual General meeting of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Abuja, Nov 17-21, 2009; Presented 2 Scientific papers
March 2011 International Conference on TB and Lung Diseases held at ICC, Abuja from 3-5, 2011
March 2011 Launching of the African Society of Laboratory Medicine Held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from March 13-16, 2011
March 2011 Meeting on the Product problem: Pathways for making Misoprostol available for post-Partum Haemorrhage organized by Gynuity Health Projects and held at The Carlton Hotel, 88 Madison Avenue, New York, NY; March 24-25, 2011
May 2011 Working visit to discuss Business opportunities to TECO Diagnostics (TC), a Medical Laboratory equipment and reagent kits manufacturer based in Anaheim, California, LA, USA (Sponsored by TC Diagnostics)
September 2011 Six Annual Meeting of International Association of National Public Health Institutes, Public Health Institutes of the World (IANPHI), Health In Helsinki, Finland.
November 2011 Working visit to MEDICA in Düsseldorf-Germany for Medical Exhibition (Sponsored partly by TECO Diagnostics)
Oct. 2011 FIGO LOGIC Annual Review Meeting in Mumbai organised by International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics (FIGO) between 12 and 14 October, 2011
Nov. 2011 44th Annual General meeting of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ibadan, Nov 23- 27, 2011; Presented 2 Scientific papers
July 2012:XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington DC, USA, 22 - 27 July 2012 September 2012: Conference of International Association of Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), held in Mexico City, Mexico, September 28 - 3rd October 2012
October 2012: World Congress of International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) held in Rome-Italy from 6-13 October 2012
November 2012: 2nd International Conference organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Yaba – Lagos, 3-8 November 2012
November 2012: 45th Annual General meeting of Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Abakiliki, Ebonyi State, Nov 22-26, 2012; Presented 2 Scientific Papers
January 2013: 1st National Health Summit organised by the Nigerian Medical Association in Asaba, Delta State, 20-27, January 2013
March 2013: Scientific Conference on the role of Health Systems in the Fight against Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in ECOWAS, 5-7, March 2013
October 20 13: Meeting of the International Association of Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), held in Tanzania, (October, 2013)
November 2014: Meeting of the International Association of Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), held in Marrakech, Morocco, Presented a paper on Nigeria‟s response to Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), 3-5 Nov. 2014
September 2015: 3-Day Training Workshop for Health Governance Bodies in Nigeria, organised by FMOH in conjunction with MSH, Abuja 8-10, September 2015
September 2015: A Symposium on Recent Advances in Haematological Disorders, organised to mark the Commissioning of the Biomedical Training and Cancer Research Centre at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos, September 28-29, 2015
October 2015: World Congress of International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) held in Vancouver, Canada 4-9 October 2015
October 2015: Meeting of the International Association of Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), held in Paris, France October 13-15, Presented a paper on Vaccine Hesitancy and Polio Eradication In Nigeria and on a Panel discussion on Ebola: Lessons learned for better preparedness and Response
October 2015: Meeting on Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA): Consultation for Laboratory Strengthening, Organised by WHO and African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), held in Sierra Leone October 15-16, 2015
- H.S. Isah,A.F. Fleming, I.A.O. Ujah & C.C. Ekwempu(1985); Iron Status of Pregnant and non-Pregnant women in the Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol 74(5) 485- 499, 1985.
- Ujah I.A.O. ( 1996); Rectal Bleeding: A Very rare symptom of ectopic pregnancy. Nig. Med. Pract. 32 (5/6), 69-70,
- Ujah I.A.O. Ujah,(1990);Management of Obstetric Fistulae: An Experience in Private Practice. Nig. Med. Practitioner Vol. 20(1)
- I.A.O. Ujah, Sexual Activity and Attitudes to Contraception among women seeking Termination of pregnancy in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 35, 1991
- Ujah I.A.O. (1991); C.B. Lynch, G. McCune, Ovulation Induction in Clomiphene-Resistant Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by "pure: FSH (Urofollitrophin): A comparison of two regimes. Trop. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 9(2): 35-37
- Ujah I.A.O. (1990); R.S. Olarewaju. Non-contraceptive Health benefits of combined oral contraceptive pills- An update. N.M.J. 20(J) 127-129
- Ujah I.A.O. (1983); Case records and commentaries for Part I FMCOG
- Ujah I.A.O. (1987); Case records and commentaries for MRCOG
- Ujah I.A.O (1992); Olarewaju R.S, Otubu J.A.M. Prophylactic Amoxicillin - Clavulanic Acid in elective Caesarean Section. Curr. Ther. Res 52(5): 647-652
- Ujah I.A.O. (1991); The Physician's Role on the strategy for Eliminating Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria: Proceedings of the Consultative group meeting, on Eliminating Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria. Pp 66-73
- F.E. Okonofua, Ujah I.A.O. (1993); F.F. Songane et al, Strategies toPrevent Unsafe Abortion: In Poverty and Reproductive Health. International Maternal Health Care, 62-84, Eds. Bergstrom, A. Molin, W.G. Povey, ISBN 91-630 - 2423-3.
- Ujah I.A.O. (1994); N. Samuels, R.S. Olarewaju, The effect of antenatal care on the incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) babies among primigravidae in Jos, Nigeria. MJ 26(1): 9-12
- Olarewaju, R.S., Ujah I.A.O (1994); Otubu, J.A.M. Trends of Ectopic Pregnancy on the Jos, Plateau, Nigeria. NMJ 26(2): 57-60
- B.M. Mandong, Ujah I.A.O.u (1997);, Uguru V.E.; Clinico-Patholgical study of carcinoma of the cervix in Jos, Nigeria, Nig. Med. Pract. 34(5/6): 76-79,
- Ujah I.A.O. (1997); H.S. Isah; Biochemical changes in eclamptic patients in Zaria, Nigeria. Nig. Med. Pract. 83-86: 34(5/6)
- Ujah I.A.O. (1998); J.T. Mutihir; Pain control in voluntary surgical contraception in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. E.A. M.J., 75 (3), 137-139
- B.M. Mandong, A.I. Zoakah, E.A. Anteyi, Ujah I.A.O. (2000); Retrospective study of Squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in central Nigeria. NMJ, 39(1) 10-12,
- P.O. Obekpa, B. Onuminya, B.T. Ugwu, B.C. Ogbonna, A.T. Kidmas,
- Baca E.A., Ulibarric V., Scariano J.K, Ujah I.A.O (1999) Bassi A., Rabassa A.I., Vanderjagt D.J. and Glew R.H. Increased serum levels of N-Telopeptides (NTX) of Bone collagen in postmenopausal Nigerian women. Calcified Tissue International, 1-4
- Ujah I.A.O , (1999); Onuminya J.E., Momoh J.T. and Nwana E.J.C. Olarewaju R.S. Giant Recto-vaginal Fibroma: The Management challenge, Nig J. Surg. Research. 1 (2): 89-92
- Ujah I.A.O (1999); Uguru V.E., Aisien A.O., Sagay A., Otubu J.A.M. How safe is motherhood in Nigeria? The trend of maternal mortality in a tertiary Health Institution. E.A.M.J. 76 (8), 434-437
- Aisien A.O,Ujah IAO (1999); Mutihir J.T, Guful F. Fourteen years experience in voluntary female Sterilization through minilapatomy in Jos, Nigeria, Contraception.60 (4): 249-252 21
- Aisien A.O, Sagay A.S, Imade G.E, Ujah I.A.O (2000.); Nnana O.U. Changes in Menstrual and Haematological Indices among Norplant acceptors.61: 83-286
- Ujah I.A.O (2003); Mutihir J.T. and A.O. Aisien, G.E. Imade; Maternal and fetal outcomes of women with Pregnancy -induced hypertension in JUTH. NMJ 44(3), 68-70,
- 25Ujah I.A.O, (2000); Contraceptive Intentions of women seeking induced abortion in Jos, Nigeria, J. Obs. Gynae. 20(2): 162-166
- Ujah I.A.O, (2003); Ikeh E.I., Glew R.H, Vanderjagt D.T,; Evaluation of the optimal Test for Rapid Diagnosis of malaria - The Nigerian Experience, 4(1): 14-17
- Sagay A.S.; Imade G.E.; Aisien A.O.; Ujah I.A.O (2000); Muazu M.A.I. Glucose metabolism Among Norplant(R) users in Northern Nigeria. Contraception 62: 19-22
- Sagay A.S.; Imade G.E.; Aisien A.O.; Aliyu A.O.; Ujah I.A.O ; Nwokedi E.E.Human Immunodeficiency virus infection among pregnant women Attending Antenatal clinic in Jos, Nigeria: Trend in the last decade I.J. Gyne. Obstet.
- Onah J.A.; Idiong D.U.; Bello, C.S.S.; Ujah I.A.O (1998); Mawak J. D. Cryposporidiosis in Jos Nigeria. Nig. J. Parasitol.19: 45-50
- Glew R.H.; Vandejagt D.T.; Ujah I.A.O (2000); The Unexplored Research potentials of public Health in Africa J. Trop. Ped. 46, 1-4,
- A.O Aisien, A.S. Sagay, G.E. Imade, Ujah I.A.O. (2000); O.U. Nnana, Changes in menstrual and haematological indices among Norplant acceptors, Contraception 61 (4) pp. 283-286
- Aisien A.O.; Olarewaju R.S.; Ujah I.A.O (2001); Mutihir J.T.; Sagay A.S. Anaesthesia for minilaparotomy. Female sterilization: A fourteen-year Review in Jos, Nigeria Afr. J. Med. Sciences 30(1), 119-121
- G.E. Imade; A.S. Sagay; I.C. Pam; Ujah I.A.O (2000); P.H. Daru. Semen quality in male partners of infertile couples in Jos, Nigeria. Trop. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 17(1) 24-26
- D.T. Vanderjagt, B. Bond; R. Dalai; A. Pickel; Ujah I.A.O. (2001); W.W. Wadinga; J.K. Scarcino; R.H. Glew, Assessment of the Bone Status of Nigerian women by
- Ultrasound and Biochemical markers, Calcif. Tissue Int. 68: 277-284
- Mandong B.M, Ujah. I.A.O (2003); A ten year review of Gynaecological Malignancies in JUTH, Nigeria, Nigeria (1988-1997). Sahel Medical Journal, 6(2):
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I.A.O. (2003); Ekwempu, C. C., Daru, P. H., Aisien, A. O. Acceptability of vasectomy in Jos, Northern Nigeria. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol; 21(1): 56-57
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I.A.O. (2004); Aisien, A. O. The Attitude of Reproductive healthcare Providers to the Post-partum Intrauterine device (PPIUD) in Jos, Nigeria. Trop. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 21(2): 91-94
- D.J. Vandejagt, L.A. Damiani, T.M. Goodman, Ujah IAO (2004); M.O. Obadofin, G.E. Imade, D.R. Shatima, R.H. Glew, Assessment of the skeletal health of health Nigerian men and women using quantitative ultrasound, Bone 35 : 387-394,
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO, Pam VC (2004); Anencephaly at birth in Jos University Teaching Hospital, J. Med. Trop. 6(1): 7-12
- IAO UjahOA Aisien, JT Mutihir, D. Vanderjagt, RH Glew, VE Uguru, (2005); Maternal mortality among adolescent women in Jos, north-central Nigeria, J Obstet. Gynaecol. 25(1): 3-7
- Mutihir, J. T., Maduka, W. E., Ujah, I. A. O. (2004); Gestational age at booking of primigravidae in Jos, North Central Nigeria: Journal of Medicine in the Tropics, 6(1): 13-18
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A.O. ( 2005); Daru, P. H. Elective Caesarean Section in the Jos University Teaching Hospital: Tropical J. Obstet. Gynaecol, 22(1): 39-41
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O. (2005); Post-term pregnancy and fetal Macrosomia in Jos, Nigeria. Annals of African Medicine, 4(2): 72-76
- IAO Ujah OA Aisien, JT Mutihir, DT Vanderjagt, RH Glew, VE Uguru, (2005); Contributing factors to maternal mortality in north-central Nigeria: A seventeen-year review, Afri J. Reprod Health, 9(3): 27-40
- Mutihir JT, Maduka WE, Ujah I.A.O. (2005); Gestational age at booking of primigravidae in Jos, North central Nigeria, J. Med. Trop.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., (2004); Uguru, V. E. HIV-Positive women in labour room in Jos, Nigeria: Highland Medial Research Journal.: 2(2): 47-51
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., Aisien, A. O. Experience with Manual Vacuum Aspiration in Jos, Nigeria: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 12(2): 100-102
- Mutihir, J. T., Daru, P. H., Ujah, I. A. O. Episiotomies in Jos University Teaching Hospital.Highland Medial Research Journal. 2005; 3(1):31-35
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO, Daru PH Elective Caesarean Section in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Trop. Jour. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2005; 22(1); 39-41
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO Postmaturity and Fetal macrosomia in Jos, Nigeria, Ann. Afri. Med. 2005; 4(2): 72-75
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO Fetal Outcome in umbilical cord prolapse in Jos, Nigeria,Trop.Jour.Obstet Gynaecol. 2006; 23(1): 30-33
- Mutihir JT, Guful F. Ujah IAO Norplant Acceptors in Jos, Nigeria: A review, Ann. Afri. Med 2006; 5(1): 20-23
- Aisien AO, Ujah IAO. Risk of blood splashes to masks and goggles during cesarean section, Med. Sci. Monit. 2006; 12(2): 94-97
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO, Fetal outcome in umbilical cord prolapse in Jos, Nigeria, Tropical J. Obstet. Gynaecol.2006; 23(1): 30-33
- Agboghoroma O C, Achem FF, Ujah IAO, (Eds) Improving Maternal Health- MDG 5: The Road Map ; Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference and the 40th Annual General Meeting of the Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), “Abuja SOGON 2006”
- Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO, Uduagbamen PF, Ilranloye T: Indications for removal of Intra-uterine contraceptive devices in Jos, North-Central, Nigeria: Niger J Clin Pract; 2006, Dec; 9(2): 105-8
- Kigbu JH, Mutihir JT, Ujah IAO: Review of maternal deaths from unsafe abortion in Jos, Nigeria. Niger J Med 2010 July-Sept; 19(3): 311-5
- Mutihir, J.T., Aisien, A.O., Ujah, I.A.O. (2007). Anaesthetic Experience in Female Sterilization at Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. East African Medical Journal. 84(8): 639-643
- Mutihir, J.T., Aisien, A.O., Ujah, I.A.O. (2007). A Review of Bilateral Tubal Ligation at Caesarean Section in Jos, Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 14(3): 252-255.
- Vanderjagt D.J., Ujah I.A.O., Patel A, Kellywood J., Crossey M.J., Allen R.H., Stabler S.P., Obande O.S. & Glew R.H. (2009); Subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic in Nigeria 29(4): 288-295
- Musa, J. Daru, P. H., Mutihir, J. T., Ujah I.A.O. (2009). Ectopic pregnancy in Northern Nigeria: Prevalence and Impact on Subsequent Fertility. Nigerian Journal of Medicine; 18(1): 35-38.
- Vanderjagt DJ, Ujah IAO, Ikeh EI, Bryant J, Pam V, Hilgraty A, Crossey MJ, Glew RH (2009); Assessment of the Vitamin B12 Status of Pregnant Women in Nigeria Using Plasma Holotranscobalamin, ISRN Obstet. Gynae, 1-8
- Talemo Dah, Akinsenwa Akiode, Paschal Awah, Tamara Fetters, Mathew Okoh, Ujah Innocent Introducing Misoprostol for the treatment of Incomplete Abortion in Nigeria, Afr Jour Repro Health 15(4): 42-50
- Oliver C. Ezechi, Agatha N. David, Chidinma V. Gab-Okafor, Harry Ohwodo, David A. Oladele, Olununto O. Kalejaiye, Paschal M. Ezeobi, Titilola A. Gbajabiamila, Rosemary A. Audu, Bamidele Oke, Zaidat A. Musa, Sabdat O. Ekama, Oluwafunke Ilesanmi, Olutosun Odubela, Esther O. Somefun, Ebiere C. Herberston, Dan I Onwujekwe, Innocent AO Ujah; Incidence of and Socio-biologic rsik factors for spontaneous preterm birth in HIV positive Nigerian women, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2012, 12: 93
- Okwuraiwe AP, Salu OB, Anomneze E, Audu RA, Ujah IAO, Hepatitis C virus Genotypes and Viral Ribonucleic Acid Ttiers in Nigeria, Nigeria Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatits 2012, 4(2): 67-71
- Ezechi OC, David AN, Gab-Okafor CV, Ohwodo H, Oladele DA, Kalejaiye OO, Ezeobi PM, Gbajabiamila TA, Adu RA, Oke B, Musa ZA, Ekama SO, Ilesanmi O, Odubela O, Somefun EO, Herbertson EC, Onwujekwe DI, Ujah IA. Incidence of and socio-biologic risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth in HIV positive Nigerian women. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012; 9(12):93. doi:10.1186/1471-2393-12-93.
- Ezechi OC, Gab-Okafor CV, Oladele DA, Kalejaiye O O, Oke OO, Ekama SO, Audu R A, Okoye RN, Ujah IA, Prevalence of Asymptomatic bacteiuria among pregnant Nigerians infected with HIV; J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2013 Mar 26(4): 402-6
- Kolawole S. Oyedeji, Mary-Theresa Niemogha, Francisca O. Nwaokorie, Tajudee A. Bamidele, Michael Ochoga, Kehinde A. Akinsinde, Bartholomew I. Brai, David Oladele, Emmanual A. Omonighehin, Moses Bamidele, Toun W. Fesobi, Adesola Z. Musa, Adeniyi K. Adeneye, Stella I. Smith, Innocent A. Ujah, Molecular Characterisation of the Circulating Strains of Vibrio Cholearae during 2010 Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria, 2013, Jun 31(2): 178-184
- Okonofua FE, Ogu RN, Fabanwo AO, Ujah IO, Chama CM, Archibong EI, Onah HE,
- Galandaci HS, Akuse JT, Training Health workers for magnesium sulfate use reduces case fatality from eclampsia:results from a multicenter trails; Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand. 2013, Jun:9 2(6): 716-20
- Ezechi OC, Gab-Okafor CV, Oladele DA, Kalejaiye OO, Oke BO, Ohwodo BO, Audu RA, Ekama SO, Musa Z, Onwujwkwe DI, David AN, Ujah IAOPregnancy, Obstetric and neonatal Outcome in HIV positive Nigerian women, Afri Jour. Rep. Health, 2013, 17(3): 160-168
- 70.Oliver C. Ezechi, Titilola Gbajabiamila, Chidinma V. Gab-Okafor, David A. Oladele, Paschal M. Ezeobi, Innocent AO Ujah, Contraceptive behaviour, practices and associated Factors among Nigerian women living with human immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Journal of HIV & Human Reproduction, Jan-Jun 2013, Vol1(1): 30-34
- Oliver C. Ezechi, Karen Odberg Petterson, Titilola A Gbajabiamila, Ifeoma Eugenia Idigbe,Olutunmike Kuyoro, Innocent Achanya Otobo Ujah, Per Olof Ostergren, Predictors ofdefault from follow-up care in a cervical cancer screening program using direct visual inspection in South-Western Nigeria, BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:143
- 72. Ezechi OC, Gab-Okafor CV, Oladele DA, Kalejaiye OO, Oke BO, Ekama SO, Audu RA, Okoye RN, Ujah IA. (2012): Prevalence and Risk Factors of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Pregnant Nigerians Infected with HIV. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013 Mar;26(4):402-6. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2012.733782.
- Onwuamah CK, Ezechi OC, Herbertson EC, Audu RA, Ujah IAO and Odeigah PGC (2014) Foetal Loss and Enhanced Fertility Observed in Mice Treated with Zidovudine or Nevirapine. PLoS ONE 9(9): e107899. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107899.
- Ezechi OC, Kalejaiye OO, Gab-Okafor CV, Oladele DA, Oke B, Ekama SO,
- Odunukwe NN, Ujah IA. The burden of anaemia and associated factors in HIV positive Nigerian women. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Feb;287(2):239-44. doi: 10.1007/s00404-012-2573-2. Epub 2012 Sep 26.
- Herbertson, E. C., A. G. I. Ohihoin, T. A. Gbajabiamila, A. N. David, O. Odubela, S. O. Ekama, C. V. Gab-Okafor, H. Owhodo, O. C. Ezechi, and I. A. O. Ujah. "Success rate of an outreach PMTCT program in Nigeria." BMC Infectious Diseases 14, no. Suppl 2 (2014): P9.
- Oliver C. Ezechi, Per Olof Ostergen, Francisca O. Nwaokorie, InnocentAO Ujah, The burden distribution and risk factors for cervical oncogen human papilloma virus infection in HIV positive Nigerian women, Virology Journal(Open Access), 2014, 11:5
- Ohihoin, A. G., J. Musa, A. S. Sagay, I. A. O. Ujah, E. C. Herbertson, and A. Ocheke. "Prevalence and Determinants of Anaemia among HIV Positive Pregnant Women Attending Ante-Natal Clinic at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, North-central Nigeria." British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 4, no. 34 (2014): 5348-53
- Ezechi, O. C., Kalejaiye, O. O., Gab-Okafor, C. V., Oladele, D. A., Oke, B. O., Musa, Z. O, Ujah, I.
- Sero-prevalence and factors associated with Hepatitis B and C co-infection in pregnant Nigerian women living with HIV Infection. Pan African Medical Journal, 2014; 17(197).
- Ezechi, O. C., Ostergren, P. O., Nwaokorie, F. O., Ujah, I. A. O., & Pettersson, K. O. The burden, distribution and risk factors for cervical oncogenic human papilloma virus infection in HIV positive Nigerian women. Virology journal, 2014; 11(1), 5.
- Oyedeji K. S, Niemogha M. T., Nwaokorie F. O., Bamidele T. A., Ochoga M., Akinsinde K. A., Brai B.I., Oladele D,, Omonigbehin E. A, Bamidele M., Fesobi T.W., Musa A.Z., Adeneye A.K., Smith S. I., Ujah I. A. O., Molecular Characterization of the Circulating Strains Of Vibrio Cholerae during 2010 Cholera Outbreak In Nigeria. J Health Popul Nutr 2013 ;31(2):178-184.
- Okwuraiwe A.P., Salu O.B., Anomneze E., Audu R.A. Ujah IAO. Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes and Viral Ribonucleic Acid Titers in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 4(2): 67-71.
- Onwuamah CK, Ezechi OC, Herbertson EC, Audu RA, Ujah IAO, Odeigah PGC. Foetal loss and enhanced fertility observed in mice treated with Zidovudine or Nevirapine. PLOS One. 2014. 9(9): e107899.
- Akinsinde K. A., Iwalokun B. A., Oluwadun A., Smith S. I., Fowora M., Nwaokorie F. O., Bamidele T. A., Olukoya D. K. and Ujah I. A. O. (2014). Distribution of phage types of Vibrio cholerae 01 biotype El Tor in Nigeria (2007-2013): Implication in cholera mortality.
- Innocent AO Ujah, Francisca Nwaokorie, Adeniyi Adeneye, David Oladele, Tajudeen Bamidele, Sola Musa, Kehinde Akinside, Jerry Iwuora, Stella Smith (2015). A review of perception and myths on causes of cholera infection in endemic areas of Nigeria. AJMR 9 (9): 557 – 564.
- Ezechi OC, Kalejaiye OO, Gab-Okafor CV, Oladele DA, Oke BO, Musa ZO, Ekama SO, Ohwodo H, Agahowa E, Gbajabiamilla T, Ezeobi PM, Okwuraiwe A, Audu RA, Okoye RN, David AN, Odunukwe NN, Onwujekwe DI, Ujah IA. Sero-prevalence and factors associated with Hepatitis B and C co-infection in pregnant Nigerian women living with HIV Infection. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2014; 17:197.
- Innocent Achanya Otobo Ujah, Oliver Chukwujekwu Ezechi, Gregory Aigbe Ohihoin. HIV Status Discordance and Associated Factors among HIV positive pregnant women in Lagos, Southwest Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health June 2015; 19(2):108
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Endocrinological and Ultrasonographic Correlations in Ovulation Induction with pure Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), in Infertility Management. Part II FMCOG Thesis. 1987.
- The influence of Management styles on performance in a Health Services Institution. A case study of JUTH, Jos, PGDM Thesis (UNIJOS), 1992.
- Socio-cultural and economic Barriers to Safe Motherhood in Nigeria, NIPSS (mni) Thesis, 1995.
1997 Glew R.H, Vanderjagt D.T; Ujah I.A.O. et al. Bioelectrical Impedence (BEI) in pre Eclamptic and eclamptic patients in Jos, Nigeria.
1997 BACA E.A., Glew R.H. Vanderjagt D.T, Ujah I.A.O. Increased serum levels of N-Telopeptides (NTX) of Bone Collagen in Pre and Post Menopausal Nigerian Women.
1998. Glew R.H, Ujah I.A.O Vanderjagt D.T, et al. N-Telopeptides among Teenage primigravidae in Nigeria.
1999. Glew R.H; Ujah I.A.O Vanderjagt D.T, et al. Biochemical markers and bone stiffness Index (SI) among Pre and Post menopausal Nigerian Women.
2000. Bio Chemical markers and BSI among lactating Nigerian Women.
2007 strong>Ujah I.A.O Vanderjagt D.T. Amelia Hilgart, Jessica Bryant, Assessment of Folate & Vitamin B12 Status in Pregnant women in northern Nigeria
1994. Okonofua F.E.; I.A.O Ujah. Assessment of Abortion use and services and contributing to maternal mortality and morbidity in Nigeria (Sponsored by Population Council).
1997.I.A.O UJAH, Child survival strategies in Nigeria - A symposium sponsored by UNICEF during the 1997 Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON).
1998. I.A.O. Ujah, A one-day Awareness Workshop on Unsafe Abortion, HIV/AIDS, STD and Safe Motherhood. Sponsored by UNICEF.
1998. I.A.O. Ujah, A Review meeting of study Tour of Indonesian Family Planning Reproductive health By Sponsored Participants to Indonesia Held in Abuja, Nigeria (Sponsored by UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi).
1999. I.A.O. Ujah, A one day Awareness Workshop on Safe Motherhood for Religious Leaders in Jos, Nigeria (Sponsored by UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi).
1999. I.A.O. Ujah, Evaluation of Trained Traditional Birth Attendants (TTBAs) Services in the Northeast Zone of Nigeria (Sponsored by UNICEF D Field office, Bauchi).
I.A.O. Ujah, A one day Conference on the Role of Vitamin A in Maternal and Childhood Mortality and Morbidity reduction in Nigeria (Sponsored by UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi).
I.A.O.Ujah, Training Course for 20 Doctors in North- East Zone (UNICEF Zone D ) on Essential Obstetric Care( EOC), Sponsored by UNICEF, Bauchi.
I.A.O. Ujah, One – Day Advocacy Workshop on the role of Vitamin A Supplementation on Maternal/ Neonatal morbidity & mortality reduction for Health workers, sponsored by UNICEF, Bauchi.
I.A.O.Ujah, Training Course for 20 doctors in the North East Zone on Essential Obstetric Care (EOC), Sponsored by UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi.
I.A.O. Ujah, Advocacy/ Sensitization Workshop on the dangers of Early (child) marriage on Reproductive performance in five communities in Jigawa state. Sponsored by UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi 2002
I.A.O. Ujah, Training course for 20 doctors in the Northeast Zone on Essential Obstetric Care (EOC), Sponsored By UNICEF D Field Office, Bauchi.
I.A.O. Ujah, Training course on Post-Abortion Care (PAC) and the use of Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) for Doctors and Midwives in Plateau State of Nigeria. Sponsored by IPAS.
April „90 I.A.O. Ujah, April 1990, Management of Endocrine infertility; lecture delivered at the symposium on Bromocriptine (Parlodel) organized by Swiscco (Sandoz) at Plateau Hospital, Jos.
June „90. I.A.O. Ujah Epidemiology of infertility; lecture delivered at the symposium on Parlodel in Bauchi Specialist Hospital, Bauchi, 1990.
June „90. I.A.O. Ujah July, 1990. Safe Motherhood: Lecture delivered at the V.S.C. workshop for policy makers in Plateau State.
August 1990. I.A.O Ujah. Developing In-Country Capacity for Minilap/LA Training: The Nigerian Experience, delivered at the AVSC National Conference in Durbar Hotel, Kaduna.
June „99. I.A.O. Ujah Health Benefits of Family Planning. Lecture delivered at the one-day orientation workshop for L.G.A. Policy makers in Plateau State on 25th June, 1992 at Conference Hall, State Secretariat, Jos.
1994. I.A.O. Ujah Campaign Against unwanted Pregnancy: Management of opposition strategies; Guest Lecture at the Consultative Meeting on Networking to eliminate unsafe abortion in Nigeria, held between 2nd-5th June, 1994, at FESTAC '77 Hotel, Badagry Road, Lagos, Nigeria.
July, 96: I.A.O UJAH Pelvic inflammatory Disease. Lecture delivered to participants of the maiden course on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), organized by the Research and Continuing Medical Education Unit (RCMEU), Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos held between July 29th - August 9th 1996.
July, 96: I.A.O UJAH Infertility in the female: causes, diagnosis and Management; Lecture delivered to participants of the maiden course on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), organized by the Research and Continuing Medical Education Unit (RCMEU), Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos held between July 29th - August 9th 1996.
August, 96 I.A.O UJAH. The Need for Adequate Funding for the improvement of Maternal and child care: Lecture delivered at the National Workshop for States and Local Governments on Reduction of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity organized by the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), held at Conference centre, Arewa House, Kaduna, between August 8th-10th 1996.
June, 1998. I.A.O Ujah Female Infertility: Investigations and Management. Lecture delivered at the Faculty of General Medical Practice‟s Two-Day update seminar organized by the West African College of Physicians at Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi between June, 3 and 4, 1998.
June, 1998. I.A.O Ujah. Male Infertility: Investigations and Management. Lecture delivered at the Faculty of General Medical Practice‟s Two-Day update seminar organized by the West African College of Physicians at Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi between June, 3 and 4, 1998.
Sept. 1999.I.A.O Ujah. Overview of Family Planning in Nigeria. Lecture delivered during the Intensive Revision Course for Parts I & II Fellowship Examinations of the National Postgraduate Medical College and the West African Postgraduate Medical College held in ABUTH, Kaduna between 20-25th September, 1999.
Sept. 1999. I.A.O Ujah. Management of prolonged pregnancy, Induction of Labour. Lecture delivered during the intensive REVISION Course for Part I and II Fellowship Examinations of the National Postgraduate Medical College and the West African Postgraduate Medical College held in ABUTH, Kaduna between 20-25th September, 1999.
Sept. 2005 IAO Ujah. Sexual Violence violates reproductive and sexual rights. Lecture delivered to NYSC members during their orientation in Plateau State, Nigeria
Sept. 2006 IAO Ujah. The health and social consequences of rape in Nigeria, lecture delivered to Batch B NYSC members during their orientation Camp in Plateau State, Nigeria
Feb. 2007 IAO Ujah. The evils of child sexual abuse; lecture delivered to Batch A NYSC members in Plateau State, Nigeria
April 2007IAO Ujah. Maternal mortality reduction in the 21st Century: From Research and Policy to action; Professor Unna Lister Memorial Lecture delivered to members of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) in Borno State, Nigeria.
July 2011 IAO Ujah. Mass failure in public examinations: Causes and Remedy; A lecture delivered at the Annual Speech and Prize giving day of Bishop Howells Memorial Grammar School, Bariga-Lagos, 28h July 2011
2012IAO Ujah. Mass failure in public examinations: Causes and Remedy; A Matriculation lecture delivered at Apa College of Education, Aidogodo- Okpoga- Benue State, 24th Feb. 2012
2012IAO Ujah Guest Lecture on Strengthening Health Research Capacity in developing countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on the Occasion of the 2012 Faculty week and Students‟ Open Day organized by the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, March 22, 2012
2012 I A O Ujah, Matriculation Lecture on Mass Failure in Public Examinations: In search of solution; delivered to the Renaissance University Community, Agbani-Enugu State , March 9, 2012
2012 I A O Ujah, The role of Medical Research in the Management of Infectious Diseases in Africa; A lecture delivered at the African Conference on Infectious Diseases in Owerri, Imo State, organized by GWB Healthcare, April 12, 2012.
2014I A O Ujah, A Keynote Address on the Prospects of Biological Psychiatry Research in Nigeria Delivered at the Inaugural conference of the Nigerian Society of Biological Psychiatry, held at the National Neuropsychiatry Hospital Kaduna from January 17-18, 2014
2014 I A O Ujah, Verifying the predominant HPV strains in Nigerian Females – A Case Study; Lecture delivered at The 2nd Clinical Trial Summit, organized by the Association of Good Clinical Practice (AGCPN), at Oakland Hotel, Lekke-Lagos, May 26-29, 2014
2014 I A O Ujah, Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Nigeria: National response, Challenges,
Lesson learnt and prevention, Presentation at the meeting of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) held in Marrakech, November 3-6, 2014
2015 I A O Ujah, Capacity Development: Partnership between Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Yaba-Lagos & Sysmex/Partec, Germany, Presentation at the 2nd Africa Health Summit held in London, 26-27, Feb.2015
- R.S. Olarewaju, I.A.O Ujah, J.A.M. Otubu Asherman's syndrome: A contributory factor in female infertility. Presented at the Scientific conference organized by NFS,AFS, NSEM.
- O.A. Towobola, J.A.M. Otubu, G.E. Imade, I.A.O. Ujah and V.E. Uguru: Serum concentrations of Luteinizing, follicle stimulating hormones and prolactin in infertile and sub- fertile Nigerian men. Presented at the Scientific Conference Organized by NFS, AFS, NSEM, held in Jos, 1990.
- I.A.O. Ujah, R.S. Olarewaju, J.A.M. Otubu. Ectopic Pregnancy: An albatross on gynaecological practice in Africa, Presented at the Scientific Conference Organized by NFS, AFS, NSEM, held in Jos, 1990.
- A.S. Sagay, R.S. Olarewaju, I.A.O. Ujah, J.A.M. Otubu, G.E. Imade and O.A. Towobola. Endocrine profile of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome in a northern Nigerian city. Presented at the Scientific Conference Organized by NFS, AFS, NSEM, held in Jos, 1990.
- J.A.M. Otubu, I.A.O. Ujah, A.S. Sagay, R.S. Olarewaju and O.A. Towobola. Management of polycystic ovary disease: Experience in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Scientific Conference Organized by NFS, AFS, NSEM, held in Jos, 1990.
- O.A. Towobola, J.A.M. Otubu, A.O. Aisien. O.O. Ogunkeye, I.A.O. Ujah. Short-term effect of sub-Dermal implants (Norplants) on lipid and Lipoproteins metabolism. Presented at the Scientific Conference Organized by NFS, AFS, NSEM, held in Jos, 1990.
- I.A.O. Ujah and J.T. Mutihir. Pregnancy Outcome Following Recurrent Abortions: An Experience in JUTH, Jos, Nigeria. Presented at the Annual Conference of NMA 1991, Enugu.
- I.A.O. Ujah. Contraceptive intentions of women seeking induced abortion in the city of Jos, Nigeria, presented at Annual Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- P.O. Obekpa; J.E. Onuminya; Benjamin, T. Ugwu; B. C. Ogbonna; Alli T. Kidmas and I.A.O. Ujah: Menuria - A point of Technique. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- Sagay, A.S; Kabiru M.I.; Aisien A.O; and Ujah I.A.O.: Antenatal Care in Primary Health Care (PHC) Centres in Jos. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- Aisien A.O.; Ekpo S.O.; Pam S; Sagay A.S; Ujah I.A.O; Uguru V.E; Otubu J.A.M: Perinatal mortality in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- Aisien A.O.; Lawson O.; Sagay A.S.; I.A.O Ujah: Singleton Breech presentation at Delivery in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- Aisien A.O.; Lawson O.; Sagay A.S.; I.A.O Ujah: Twin pregnancy in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- I.A.O Ujah; Falum J; Aisien A.O; Uguru V.E; Sagay A.S: Family Planning Services in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- I.A.O Ujah; Daru P.H; Mutihir J.T; Olarewaju RS Haematological profile of uterine fibroid in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- I.A.O Ujah; Daru P.H; Mutihir J.T: Estimating the delivery date among pregnant mothers: The JUTH experience, Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- I.A.O Ujah; Opara A; Jido T.A: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) of Exclusive Breast Feeding amongst antenatal women in JUTH. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- Sagay A.S; Mutihir J.T; Usar I; Aisien A.O; Ujah I.A.O: Management of placental previa in Jos, Nigeria. Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Jos, November, 19-22, 1997.
- I.A.O Ujah, Mutihir J.T; Usar I; Aisien A.O; Falum J; Gugul F.E: Norplant implant Training in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH): The need for quality Assurance, presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24-26, 1999.
- Aisien A.O; Sagay A.S; Imade G.E; I.A.O Ujah; Nnana O.U: Changes in menstrual and Haematological indices Among Norplant Acceptors in Northern Nigeria, Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24-26, 1999.
- I.A.O Ujah; Uguru V.E; Aisien A.O; Sagay A.S; Imade G.: The tragic consequences of Child bearing in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria, Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24- 26, 1999.
- Sagay A.S; Imade G.E; Nwokedi E.E; Aisien O.A; I.A.O Ujah: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Pregnant Women in Northern Nigeria Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24-26, 1999.
- I.A.O Ujah; Aisien O.A, Mshelia S: Birth weight in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria, Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24-26, 1999.
- Sagay A.S; Imade G.E; Aisien A.O; I.A.O Ujah; Muazu M.A: Glucose Metabolism Among Norplant(R) users in Northern Nigeria, Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Ikoyi Hotel, Lagos, November, 24- 26, 1999
- Sagay A.S; Imade G.E; Aisien A.O; I.A.O Ujah; Muazu M.A: Glucose Metabolism in Nigerian women after three years of Norplant contraception - Presented at the Annual Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Abuja, November, 2000.
- Aisien A.O; I.A.O Ujah; Mutihir, J.T; Sagay A.S.; Imade G.E. Fifteen years experience in Voluntary Female Sterilization through Minilaparotomy in Jos, Nigerian. Presented at Annual Conference of SOGON held in Abuja, November, 2000.
- I.A.O. Ujah, JT Mutihir, N. Maksha, Building Capacity for Essential Obstetric Care (EOC) in the Northeast of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6th International
- Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002.
- I.A.O. Ujah, N. Maksha, JT. Mutihir; Evaluating the services of Trained Traditional Birth Attendance in Nigeria . Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002
- I.A.O. Ujah, N. Obi, JT. Mutihir, OA. Aisien; Seasonal pattern of Eclampsia in Northern Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002.
- O. Aisien, A.S. Sagay, G.E. Imade, I.A.O. Ujah, O.U. Nnana; Evaluating Menstrual and Haematological Parameters after 36 months of Norplant contraception. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002.
- Mutihir JT, I.A.O. Ujah, Aisien OA. Female sterilization at Caesarean Section in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002.
- Mutihir JT, I.A.O. Ujah, Aisien OA. The place of Norplant Contraceptive Implant amongst other Contraceptive Methods in Jos. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19- 23, 2002.
- I.A.O. Ujah, Mutihir JT, Aisien OA; Maternal mortality as an indicator of Socio- Economic development in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Sheraton hotels and Towers, Abuja. November, 19-23, 2002
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., Uguru, V. E. (2000) The Sex Ratio on the Jos Plateau. Book of Abstracts, 42nd Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, in Yaoundé, Cameroun, pg 176.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., Uamai, A. O. (2001) Management of incomplete abortion using Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA): The JUTH experience. Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Vol. 18 (Suppl. 1) pg 54.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., Aisien, A. O. (2001) A review of female sterilization for contraception in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol;
- Ujah, I. A. O., Aisien, A. O., Uguru, V. E., Mutihir, J. T., Sagay, A. S., Imade, G. E. (2001) The contribution of Unsafe Abortion to maternal mortality in Jos, Nigeria. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol; Vol. 18 (Suppl. 1) pg 56.
- Ujah, I. A. O., Mutihir, J. T., Sagay, A. S,. Aisien, A. O., Uguru, V. E., Imade, G. E. (2001) HIV/AIDS - Related Maternal Mortality in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos Nigeria. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol; Vol. 18 (Suppl. 1), Pg 57.
- Mutihir, J. T., Aisien, A. O., Ujah, I. A. O., Ekwempu, C. C. (2002) Sixteen years of female sterilization in Jos University Teaching Hospital: Has the average age and parity shown any change? Book of Abstracts, 42nd Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, in Yaoundé, Cameroun, pg 177.
- Mutihir, J. T., Aisien, A. O., and Ujah, I. A. O. (2002) The place of Norplant Contraceptive Implants amongst other contraceptive Methods in Jos. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 6th International Congress of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Held in Abuja, Nigeria; pg 7.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., and Aisien, A. O. (2002) Female Sterilization at Caesarean Section in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 6th International Congress of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Held in Abuja, Nigeria; pg 8.
- Mutihir, J. T., Aisien, A. O., Ujah, I. A. O. (2003) The demography of Fetal macrosomia in Jos University Teaching Hospital. Book of Abstracts, 43rd Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, in Abuja, Nigeria, pg 42.
- 43.Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O. (2003) Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) Positivity: A Perspective from the Labour Room. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 36th Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Held in Port Harcourt, Nigeria; pg 21.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O., Sagay, A. S., Pam, I. C., Daru, P. H., Ekwempu, C. C., Ocheke,
- N. (2003) Maternal Mortality: The Rising Trend of Unsafe Abortion as a contributing factor in Jos Nigeria. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 36th Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON): Held in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pg 24.
- Mutihir, J. T., Ujah, I. A. O, Aisien, A. O., and Pam, V. C. (2004) Gross Congenital Fetal Anomaly in the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. Book of Abstracts, 44th Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, in Banjul, The Gambia, pg 61.
- Mutihir, J. T., Guful, F., Ujah, I. A. O. (2004) Sociodemographic characteristics of NorplantR acceptors in Jos. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol; 21 (Suppl. 1): S5.
- Ochejele S, Daru, P. H., Pam, I. C., Mutihir, J. T., Sagay, A. S., Ujah, I. A. O. (2004) Instrumental deliveries in Jos, Nigeria: A 7-year study (1997-2003). Trop J Obstet Gynaecol; 21 (Suppl. 1): S13.
- Ujah IAO, Smith SI, Oyedeji KS, Niemogha et al, Social, Economic and Environmental risk factors for epidemic of diseases: The case of Cholera in Nigeria(TUSOP01): Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific conference, organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research(NIMR), November 14-18, 2011
- Yisau J, Smith SI, Adesida S, Ujah IAO et al, Preliminary report on survey and mapping of leading causes of childhood mortality in Nigeria(WE20P07): Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific conference, organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research(NIMR), November 14-18, 2011
- Musa AZ, Adeneye AK, Ujah I, et al Risk factors of Cholera epidemic in Bauchi and Gombe States, Nigeria(WE20P08): Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific conference, organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research(NIMR), November 14-18, 2011
- Kalejaiye OO, Ezechi OC, Odunukwe NN Ujah, IAO, Prevalence and risk factors of anaemia in pregnant Nigerians infected with HIV: Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific conference, organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research(NIMR), November 14-18, 2011
- Oyedeji KSO, Neimogha MT, Nwaokorie FO Bamidele TA, Ochoga M, Ujah IAO, et al: Molecular characterization of the circulating strains of Vibrio cholera during 2010 cholera outbreak in North East Nigeria: Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific conference, organised by Nigerian Institute of Medical Research(NIMR), November 14-18, 2011
- Ezechi Oliver, Gab-Okafor, Ujah Innocent, et al Burden, challenges and associated factors of TB/HIV Co-infection in Pregnant women (S23): Presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), 22-26, November 2011
- Ezechi OC, Gab-Okafor, Ujah IAO, et al, Childbearing desires and intentions of Nigerians living with HIV infection(S29): Presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), 22-26, November 2011
1982-85: Resident Doctors' Representative on FNMC (Policy) Committee, Institute of Health, ABU, Zaria.
1983-85: Resident Doctors' Representative on FNMC Education Committee, ABU, Zaria.
1984: Member, Committee on Re-appraisal of Staff Housing Facilities, Institute of Health, ABU, Zaria.
1981-82: Secretary, Association, Resident Doctors', ABU Hospital Zaria 1982-83:Vice-President, Association, Resident Doctors,' ABU Hospital Zaria
1983-85: Ex-Officio, Resident Doctors' Association, ABU Hospital Zaria
1982: Resident Doctors' Representative to the inauguration of the Confederation of African Medical Associations and Societies (CAMAS) Ibadan.
1982-83: First National Vice President, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria (NARD).
1983-84: Second National Vice President, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria (NARD).
1984-85: First National Vice President, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria (NARD). Member, Nigerian Medical Association.
Feb. 1990: Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association, Plateau State Branch.
1989-1991Deputy Zonal Leader, AVSC Northeast Zone.
1989-date Member, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria, (SOGON).
1988-date Fellow, Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
1990-date Member, Nigerian Fertility Society (NFS).
1990-date Member, Nigerian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
1990-date Member, NMA Committee on AIDS.
1990-date Member, NMA Building Committee.
1991-1992 Representative on the Consultancy Services, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jos.
1991-1993 Second Vice President, Nigeria Medical Association, National Headquarters, Lagos.
1991-1992 Member, NMA National Disciplinary Tribunal (NDT).
1991-1993 Chairman, NMA Specialist Committee.
1991-1993 Chairman, NMA Medical Ethics and Practice Committee.
1992-dateFellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, London.
Apr.92-1994 Member, Medical & Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).
May‟93-Aug.‟97 1st Vice-President, Nigerian Medical Association, National Headquarters, Lagos. 1993-Aug ‟97. : Chairman, NMA Medical Legislation and relations Committee.
1993 -Aug ‟97 Chairman, NMA Building Fund Raising Committee.
Feb.1994-1999: Assistant Secretary-General, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON).
Oct. 1994-Jan 2000: .Member, Senate of the University of Jos.
1995 to 1998: Hall Master, Clinical Students (Richard and Bank Roads) Hostel. 1995 to Date: Member, Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI).
1996-1997:External Examiner in Obstetrics & Gynaecology to the University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri.
1996 to Date: External Examiner in Obstetrics & Gynaecology to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 1999:External Examiner in Obs/Gynae to University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
1999 to Date: Adviser, Jos University Medical Students‟ Association (JUMSA), Jos. 1999 to Date: Assessor to Nigerian Medical Journal
1999 to Date: Assessor to Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research
May, 2000:Chairman, NMA Committee on the Verification of HIV/AIDS cure.
June, 2000 to date: Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Committee on AIDS. April, 2001 to date: Plateau State Medical Manager, 3-H project of Rotary International.
2001 to Date Assessor to National Postgraduate Medical Journal 2001 to DateAssessor to Sahel Medical Journal
2001 to Date External Assessor of a candidate for promotion to Research Associate Professor, University of New Mexico Medical School, Albuquerque USA
2001 to date: Associate Editor, Nigerian Medical Journal ( A publication of the Nigerian Medical Association, NMA)
2001-to date: Executive Director/CEO, International Centre for the Advancement of Reproductive Health (CIFARH) (an NGO), Jos, Plateau State-Nigeria
February 2004 –Nov 2007: Member of Council, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN)
November 2005 to 2011: Secretary General, Society of Gynaecology & Obstetric of Nigeria (SOGON)
2006 & 2007: External Examiner in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Benin, Benin City
2006 and 2007 – External examiner, National Institute for Policy & Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru-Jos
July 2009 to 2011: Member, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN)
Feb 2010 to 2011: Chairman, Education Committee, Medical & Dental Council of Nigeria
Feb 2010 to 2011: Member, Appointment, Promotion and Disciplinary Committee (AP &DC), Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria
29th June 2010, Member, ETF Research Fund Screening and monitoring Sub-Committee for Science & Technology
Feb 2011 to 2012: Member, Advisory Committee on the development of Undergraduate Medical and Dental Curriculum and inaugurated by the Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi, C Chukwu
Feb 2011 to 2012: Head, Technical Working Group (Professionalism and Health System) of the Advisory Committee on the development of Undergraduate Medical and Dental Curriculum
Feb 2011 to date: Member, Joint Technical Committee on Medical Mission to Nigeria
2014 to date: Co-Chairman, Treatment Research Group (TRG) on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
April 2015-Co-Chairman, Research and Knowledge Management Committee of National Working Group (NWG) on the implementation of National Health Act(NHAct)
Feb 2016 Member, Lassa Fever Control Committee
- Nigerian Medical Association(NMA)
- Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON)
- Nigerian Society of Endocrinology & Metabolism(NSEM)
- International Association of National Public Health Institutes of the World (IANPHI)
- International AIDS Society(IAS)
- Member Institute of Management (NIM)
Professor J.A. Idoko, MBBS, FMCP, FWACP