May and baker Thiapril

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The Right Combination!

Ramipril 5mg/Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg


Rational for Combination Therapy

  • Targets multiple mechanisms of hypertension
  • Effectiveness of monotherapy is limited by stimulation of counter-regulatory mechanisms
  • Majority of patients are less responsive to monotherapy
  • Prompt blood pressure control
  • Improved compliance (offsetting side effects)
  • Addresses global risk / burden


Why Ramitace?

  • It’s All About Evidence:
  • Most researched of all the ACEI’s
  • ACEI with greatest affinity for the ACE enzyme
  • Only ACEI with conclusive evidence of preventing CV events (Recurrent Stroke), independent of BP reduction, in patients at risk
  • Only ACEI with conclusive evidence of reversal of LVH in patients at risk of HF



ACE Inhibitor-Thiazide Diuretic Combination: Dosage Regimen:

New Patients:

  • Start with ½ tablet of Thiapril once daily
  • Then step up to 1 tablet daily after 2-4 weeks


Patients on ACE-I  : 

  • 1 tab of Thiapril once dly 
  • If required, step up to 2 tablets once daily after 3-4 weeks
  • If more than 2 agents are required, add another class (preferably a CCB) 



  1. Effective BP control for a full 24 hrs – get to target!  
  2. Thiapril therapy provide Cardio & Vascular Protection in a broad range of patients – reduce CV risk (70% of all hypertensive patients have additional risk factors).
  3. Tolerability -  Persistence on antihypertensive therapy.
  4. Affordable.
  5. In line with International Guidelines.
  6. Confers better treatment outcome on black patients.
  7. Supported by ALLHAT, HOPE, MICROHOPE, AASK and REIN Studies.