Health minister hails UNTH

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Impressed by the peaceful atmosphere at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku Ozalla, Enugu State, visiting Health Minister, Prof. Isaac Adewole, said administrators of other health facilities in the country should emulate the leadership style of Dr. Chris Amah, the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the hospital.
Adewole stated that no organisation could achieve progress without peace and unity, stressing that the crowd that welcomed him to UNTH was a practical demonstration that the management team is united, even as he noted that patients who receive treatment under a peaceful atmosphere would heal faster.

He said, “This is my third time of visiting UNTH in the past 15 years as union leader, but this time, the warmth the current CMD is radiating since my arrival has not been seen anywhere in my visits to other hospitals in the country, and to reward him, funds to enable him to complete some critical projects would be captured in our 2017 budget.”

He, however, told medical directors of National Orthopaedic Hospital Enugu and Neuropsychiatric hospital Enugu, not to lose hope, as their hospitals would be captured in due course. He also disclosed that UNTH has been selected among seven hospitals in the country to be designated as specialist centers for the treatment of cancer, while government would continue to encourage its cardiothoracic centre of excellence for open heart surgery adding that 200 cancer machines would soon be delivered to hospitals.

The minster continued, “why do we go to India and other countries for treatment, the best place one can receive treatment and recover fast, is within your country where the medical personnel can speak the same language with you, in fact, the present administration has vowed to improve the health sector so as to discourage medical tourism among our people.”