The National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria announces a 5 day Museum TEchniques and Plastination Workshop designed for: Anatomists, Science Laboratory Technologists, Medical Museum Curators, Medical Laboratory Scientists in Histopathology, Doctors in Histopathology and other persons who intend to pursue a career in any of the above fields.
Time 8:OOam-5:OOpm Daily
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, ljanikin, Lagos.
Ethical issues in tissue specimen preservation and handling, methods of specimen and tissue preservation, (Medical Museum Techniques), history of plastination, types and specimen for plastination, S10, 53 and S6 plastination techniques including Hands-on practical and use of appliances, problems/troubleshooting.
Certificates will be issued to participants at the end of the workshop
Participants are to come with their lab coats
Prof. A.A.F. Banjo FMCPath
Prof. Olusegun 0Jo FMCPath
Prof. O. A. Atoyebl FMCS
Course: Coordinator Chairman, LRC College Registrar [email protected]