Following the meeting of the National Officers Committee of Nigerian Medical Association the following resolutions were reached;
1. Communication on change of leadership and courtesy calls to individuals, groups, organizations, Embassies and parastatals to be done within the next 2 weeks.
2. Information dissemination and line of communication to be improved. Henceforth all posts on social media and NMA blog on NOC activities and official statements to be done by the Secretary General in consultation with the President.
3. The "56 AGC/ADM Sakwatto 2016" WhatsApp group to be renamed NMA National. President, Secretary General and DSG to serve as group administrators. It is to be updated when NEC is reconstituted.
4. "Bridge Agenda," the policy direction of the President along with policies of the previous leaderships of NMA to be pursued by the NOC.
The policies include the following;
i. Review and implementation of the resolutions of the First NMA National Health Summit-The Asaba Declaration.
ii. Pursuance of universal applicability of adjusted COMMESS.
iii. Improve organisation of NMA games with improve media visibility and sponsorship.
iv. The realisation of NMA permanent secretariat building through alternative dispute resolution of the legal tussle between the un-contracted Architect and the BOT firm.
v.Reinvigorate the pursuance of new scheme of service for Doctors.
vi. To deploy medical elders within NMA progressive machinery.
vii. To pursue universal health coverage (UCH).
viii. To repackage medical outreach.
ix. To secure legislative desk in the National Assembly. 5. To organise a retreat for NOC next week. 6. Zonal courtesy visits will be led by the NOC member in that zone together with the State NMA to MD/CMD, state governors and ministry of health for the purpose of achieving universal applicability of adjusted COMMESS and image laundering of the Doctor.
Zones not represented in the NOC to be covered by the President and Secretary General in collaboration with state chairmen. 7. National officers to develope a master plan for income generation and reduction of expenses by the Association. 8. To organise an inauguration dinner. Abuja branch chairperson has been appointed LOC chairperson for the dinner. She is to constitute the LOC. 9. Ekiti commiseration and endowment congress to hold on Saturday 14th of May, 2016. 10. To organise the Second NMA National Health Summit in 2018. 11. To constitute committee on strategic planning and to develop NMA position papers on challenges facing health sector in Nigeria for presentation during the house of representative's committee on health institutions stakeholders summit in June as promised by chairman house committee on health institutions. State branches are by this directed to organise CME/CPD on the same topic and forward their resolutions to NMA National for harmonisation. 12. NOC resolved that Enugu state branch would host the August NEC meeting of the Association. 13. It also supported the President's earlier decision to stop the printing of a new constitution which was said to have been passed surreptitiously at the abridged 2015 ADM in Sokoto. Further action would be taken at the next NEC. Finally, for the NOC to succeed it was resolved that all NMA members are stakeholders hence the need for cooperation and understanding of all the members. Dr. Yusuf Tanko SununuSecretary General
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Submitted by seyi on Thu, 19/05/2016 - 7:40am