Knee Replacement Surgery in Nigeria

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          Knee replacement is a kind of arthroplasty.  Arthroplasty literally means "the surgical repair of a joint," and it involves the surgical reconstruction and replacement of degenerated joints, using artificial body parts, or prosthetics. Knee replacement surgery was first performed in 1968. Since then, improvements in surgical materials and techniques have greatly increased its effectiveness.

When the articular cartilage of the knee becomes damaged or worn, it becomes painful and the knee is hard to move. Instead of sliding over each other, the bones rub and crush together. With a prosthesis, the patient will feel less pain, and the knee will move properly.

There are three common reasons for the procedure:

·   Osteoarthritis: This type of arthritis is age related, caused by the normal wear and tear of the knee joint. It mostly affects patients aged over 50 years, but younger people may have it. Osteoarthritis is caused by inflammation, breakdown, and the gradual and eventual loss of cartilage in the joints. Over time, the cartilage wears down and the bones rub together. To compensate, the bones often grow thicker, but this results in more friction and more pain.

·   Rheumatoid arthritis: Also called inflammatory arthritis, the membrane around the knee joint to become thick and inflamed. Chronic inflammation damages the cartilage, causing soreness and stiffness.

·        Post-traumatic arthritis: This type of arthritis is due to a severe knee injury. When the bones around the knee break or the ligaments tear, this will affect the knee cartilage. 

Knee pain doesn't necessarily mean knee surgery. There are many options to discuss with the doctor to help alleviate knee pain which includes Exercise and Weight Control, Physical Therapy, Bracing, Medication, Injections, and Joint Fluid Therapy (hyaluronic acid).

Knee replacement surgery may be suitable for patients who experience severe knee pain or stiffness that prevents them from carrying out everyday tasks and activities, such as walking, going upstairs, getting in and out of cars, getting up from a chair; Moderate but continuous knee pain that continues while sleeping or resting; Chronic knee inflammation and swelling that does not improve after taking medications or resting; and  Knee deformity, where there is a noticeable arch on the inside or outside of the knee.

During the procedure, the doctor will make an incision at the knee cap to gain access to the patella. The surgeon will resurface the femur, then the tibia, installing the new plastic or metal caps. These will act as the new joints for the knee, replacing the old bone and cartilage that have long since worn away. Before placing the patella back into position, the doctor will flex the patient’s knee to ensure the new implants are working correctly. The doctor may also cement a plastic component to the patella to help it fit with the implant and function smoothly, if necessary.

At Cedarcrest Hospitals, our orthopedic surgeons perform partial and total knee replacement using minimally invasive techniques which include smaller incisions and less cutting around the tissue surrounding the knee.  Advantages to the patient include faster recovery, shorter hospital stays and less blood loss.  However, patients still benefit from the precise fit and alignment that is typically associated with the traditional open approach.  Our goal is to get you back to enjoying life soon.


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Emmanuel Udo 's picture

Nice and educative piece
My mother is currently suffering from Osteoarthritis and requires surgery. What is the the estimated budget that I should plan towards?

Esther Michael Nelson 's picture

Thank God I am here. Please what will it cost me to have two knee replacement surgery because I am in severe pains. I find it difficult to walk two pole Distance..
I live at Aba, Abia state Nigeria